Chapter 2

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Em's POV

I buttoned up the blazer, smoothing the creases in my pencil skirt and white blouse. Making sure I looked professional, I pinned my hair up in a loose bun and quickly put on my black heels. Today was evaluation day, which meant that everyone in the office would be on their best behaviour.

I walked out of my apartment, waving goodbye to the baby sitter that was feeding Elliot, and took in a deep breath. I could do it. Promotion, here I come!

After I reached the carpark, I slid gracefully into my Audi and placed my black shoulderbag in the passenger seat, looking in the rear mirror to see if my make-up had smudged. Nope, it didn't. Then, I drove off towards work, feeling a sense of accomplishment for not crying.

* * *

"Hey Emmi!" Seraphina, the manager of the company waved at me from her workspace, and I shot her a smile. The office was awkwardly quiet this day, because of the fear of gettting fired. All except for one girl- Tricia. She was certain that she would get promoted, so she sashayed into the office, her skirt too short.

She reminded me of sluts.. Like Willa. Ugh, everything reminded me of their affair. "Hey, Emerald," Tricia smirked at me, and I grinned fakely at her.

"Hello, Tricia," I replied as fakely as she did, and I could sense the hatred between both of us.

"Hope you don't get fired or anything," She 'complimented' before turning and walking into her office, with that annoying glass door.

I walked to the end of the row, and stuffed my key into the keyhole of my wooden door, admiring my name sign hammered onto the board. It said, "Emerald Mines, Marketing Head." Yep, that was me, head of marketing in the department. Next step- Vice chairman.

I carelessly dropped my bag on my work station, and sat on my leather office chair, opening my macbook and checking the stock records. They were quite good, and I was sure that I would get a giant bonus at year end.

I finished browsing through the sales records, and clicked on Google Chrome, immediately going to Facebook to stalk people. I saw loads of statuses, and they were all random. Only one caught my eye. It was Willa's. I didn't even know why I was friends with her! Her status read, 'Had the time of my life ;).'

I clenched my fists, and slammed it on my table, then ran it through my smooth hair. Wow, Blake obviously never learnt his lesson about cheating, and continued to do it. I hadn't expected him to end up with her. At all.

I didn't want to see anything anymore, so I quickly closed the browser and continued typing in reports of the workers. Suddenly, there was a sharp knock on the, and Miley, my secretary, poked her head in. "Emmi? I think it's your turn soon," She said softly, and I gulped. Oh no, I had a chance of getting fired!

"Who's in there now?" I asked, and she gave the annoyed look, which made me understand- It was Tricia.

"Oh, okay, I'll just go out now," I said, getting up from my chair and walking out of my office towards the meeting room, where the big bosses were. My heels were clacking on the marble ground as I literally jogged to their office.

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