Ow, you're strong

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( next day)

-Skylar's POV-

Christina stop! I hear so I quickly wake up, I sit up seeing Christina is all fucked up Chris! The girls yell so I get up.

I got this Dylan says pointing his gun at her, no, your not gonna shoot our sister Lisa tells him pushing him.

She looks at Dani Chris, don't, your just sick she tells her, I quickly get up grabbing my gun Christina, stop I tell her pointing my pistol at her.

She ignores me and walks up to me Chris, I mean it stay back I tell her and she stops and screams and starts running towards me.

Christina! I yell warning her and she won't stop so I close my eyes shooting and I hear screaming and crying.

I open my eyes seeing Christina on the floor died what the fuck Skylar! Katherine C tells me.

I'm sorry but she was gonna bite one of us I replie, doesn't matter she spats sobbing with the other girls.

Look, I'm sorry I wa- she cuts me off, get the fuck outta here Skylar, I don't wanna even look at you right now! She yells.

I sigh looking at everyone to see them looking at me so I turn around and start walking off.

Where you going? Amy ask, for a walk, I'll be back I replie heading to the back exit.

I get to the door opening a crack seeing no one so I grab a small box opening it walking out and put the box in the door way.

I start walking around the side leaning against the wall Skylar, you didn't need to leave Lisa tells me.

I just shot Christina for crying out loud I say, she wasn't herself, she could have bitten one of us she replies.

I know but still, it wasn't easy shooting her I say, I know she also says with tears going down her cheeks.

I walk up to her and put my hands on her cheeks I'm sorry okay I tell her, it's okay, I know you were trying to protect all of us she whispers.

I kiss her and pull back I think we should go back in she tells me and I nod so we walk back in.

We see Amy, Lauren and Dani trying to get Katherine away from Christina so Lisa and I walk up to them.

Lisa moves Dani outta the way a little and grab Katherine C and I squat next to Christina picking her up.

What are you doing? Katherine ask, we're gonna bury her her, it's the right thing to do I replie.

Katherine L, Dylan, could you guys find 2 plastic covers and some rope for me? I ask them, yeah sure thing Dylan replies walking off.

Gotcha she also replies walking off, someone grab some shovels and meet me in the back of the store I say walking to the door Lisa and I came in from.

We get to the back and Katherine L and Dylan run out here Katherine L says.

Okay, lay one down so it's the same size as her I tell her and her and Dylan lay it down.

Thanks I say laying Christina down on it and grab the other plastic wrap over her and grab the rope and tie the ends so that nothing can get in.

Come on Dylan, help me dig a hole please I ask him, okay he replies helping me dig the hole.

After making a 5 feet deep and 6 feet wide hole so I get out first and I help him get out.

Let's do a rifle party I tell everyone, isn't that just for cops and people in the military? Amy questions.

It is but it's for respect I replie grabbing my pistol, come on, all of us I continue looking at everyone.

Dylan, Katherine L, you guys can use my guns I tell them pointing my gun in the air.

Everyone gets in line pointing their guns in the air on 3 I say, 3 I say again so we all shoot ours.

After the 3 bullet I put my gun down and Dylan and I grab Christina and carefully lay her down in the hole.

After everyone said something Dylan and I start to cover her, after we're done we set the shovels down.

Here, while you two were doing that we made this Talitha says handing me a cross which is made outta two sticks tied together.

I give her a small smile thanks I say walking up to the grave and put it in the dirt so it can stand up.

I'm sorry Katherine C I say looking at her, to all of you I continue looking at Lisa, Amy, Lauren and Dani.

It's okay Sky, you were just protecting us and thank you Katherine C replies, I look at the view at least she has a nice view I tell everyone looking at them.

It is really nice Lisa says while we all look at the view of the mountains, okay, let's eat breakfast and we'll go anywhere anyone likes here I say looking at them.

Everyone agrees so we all walk back inside and we look for what we want for breakfast.

After we cooked whatever we wanted and ate it we are getting ready while I help Ellie with Joel.

Okay, let's get him up I tell her bending down, um Joel, wake up I say to him shaking him a little.

Joel? I say a little bit louder still shaking him, outta nowhere he wakes up and puts me in a head lock.

Joel, let her go, she's okay Ellie tells him while I can't breath so I'm struggling for him to let me go.

Joel, let her go, she can't breath Ellie says to him so he let's me go, I cough a little holding onto my neck ow, you're strong I say getting up.

Yeah well, I was trying to kill you he replies with Ellie helping him up, I'm Skylar I say sticking my hand out for him to shake.

He stands up straight with his left hand holding the spot were Ellie stitched him up and he looks at my hand then me again.

Joel he says shaking it, nice to meet you I replie letting go of his hand.

Um, everyone else would like to meet you, we're just gonna eat and go anywhere we like I tell him.

He looks at Ellie it's okay, everyone is cool she tells him nodding her head, okay, let's go he says while I turn around and they follow me.

Okay, you can pick anything and I'll cook it for you while we get ready I say to him.

Sounds good he replies while I see Ellie helping him.

Chapter 13 done, sorry for any spelling mistakes. So Christina turned into a zombie and Skylar shot her so they gave her a small funeral for her and Skylar helped Ellie with Joel but he tried to kill her but didn't, what will happen in the next chapter? Read more to find out.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 09, 2019 ⏰

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