Really, I thought you were like 12

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( same day) ( a hour later) ( 6pm)

-Skylar's POV-

We all decided to camp out here for tonight because we are all tired here, you guys go I tell Katherine L and Dylan giving them their pizza.

Thanks they both replie and I nod, I sit down next to Lisa and start eating my pizza.

So, what are your name? I ask the man the girl, I'm Ellie the girl she says.

Is that man your father? Christina ask, no, it's a long story but that man his name is Joel she

What happen to him? Dylan ask, some  people tried to kill us and he tried to stop one of them and they both fell from the second story of a building we  were at she replies.

What about you guys? She ask, we are related, that's Katherine C, Lisa, Amy, Lauren and Dani Christina says pointing to Katherine C, Lisa, Amy, Lauren and Dani.

This is Skylar my girlfriend Lisa says, this is Talitha and Gabe we found them in Utah I say pointing to Talitha and Gabe.

And I'm Katherine L and Dylan Katherine L says, yeah, we met them in the foot hills a couple hours ago Dylan says.

How old are you? Dani ask Ellie, 14 she replies taking a bite outta her pizza.

Really, I thought you were like 12 I say while she flips me off so we all chuckle.

So, are you guy's okay on weapons? I ask, for now we are she replies and I nod.

Where you guys heading? Amy ask them, Nashville she says.

Cause of the safe zone? Lauren questions, yeah, we hear there ain't no zombies in that area she tells us.

What about you guys? She ask, same, we're going to Nashville too Katherine C says.

Well, I'm gonna go look around I say getting up, I'll come with Dylan also says standing up.

Don't do anything stupid Lisa tells me, yeah, yeah I mumble while we walk off.

We get a few feet away from them so, you and Katherine I ask him turning around looking at her while he does the same and we both turn back around still walking.

He gives me a small smile is she playing hard to get? I continue smirking.

I don't know to be honest, she knows I like her but I don't know if she likes me back he replies.

Have you ask her? I question, no, I'm to much a pussy to ask her he says.

Want me to ask her for you? I ask him, his eyes go wide no, no way he says again.

Oh come on, trust me I tell him, you sure? He questions.

Yeah, I'll get her to like you man I say and he smiles, thanks he says.

No problem I replie while we get to the back, so how long have you and Lisa been together? He ask.

Well, I've known her and her sisters for 3 months but we've been dating for a month and a half now I replie.

That's cool he says and I nod, hey, I'm gonna go to the bathroom real quick he tells me.

Okay I replie while he walks out so I look at the pill bottles, I grab one and read it then put it back and turn around seeing Ellie.

Holy shit! I whisper/yell holding my fist up, she giggles sorry she says while I sigh in relief.

What are you doing, aren't you supposed to be with everyone else? I ask her.

I know but I wanted to come with you she replies, I sigh okay, but stay close I tell her walking past her.

Already ahead of you she says and I feel her following me, your a weird kid but your cool, I like you I tell her looking at her.

She smiles thanks, you ain't bad yourself she replies while I also smile, thanks I say while we walk down a hallway type thing.

I wanna check on Joel she says walking up to a door, okay I replie while she opens it Ellie, be careful I tell her walking in behind her.

We see him on the floor covered in blankets may I check the area you fixed him up at? I ask.

Uh, sure she replies pointing to the side so I walk up to him squatting down.

I pull up his shirt a little seeing stitches you did good, now all he has to do is just heel I say.

How long has he been asleep? I ask, all day... is that normal? She questions while I pull his shirt down.

Oh yeah, the longer he rests, the faster he will heal I say covering him with the blankets and stand up.

I'll make a fire real quick I tell her grabbing some wood and put it together.

Do you have a battery? I ask her, I think so she says looking through her backpack.

Here you go she says again handing it to me, thanks I replie grabbing it and take out some gum.

Want it? I ask her and she nods so I open it and give it to her and start the fire with the battery and gun wrapper.

It catches fire so I quickly throw it into the pile and grab some bricks and put around the sticks.

There, that'll keep him warm I say looking at her, she smiles um, thanks she tells me.

For what? I question, for all of this, I wouldn't know what to do if you guy's didn't show up she says.

I give her a small smile no problem I replie, now come on, let's go see what everyone else is doing I continue letting her go out first.

We get to the area to see everyone so Ellie sits down and starts talking to Dani so I walk up to Lisa.

Hey, wanna help me find a portable DVD player so we can watch a movie? I ask her.

Yeah, sure she replies while we walk down the aisles, we go down the electronic aisle found one she says grabbing it and walk up to me.

I grab it it's perfect I say looking at it, let's go tell the others I tell her while we walk back to them.

Hey guy's, who's down to watch a movie? I ask them, how are we gonna watch a movie? Christina ask.

With this I say holding up the portable TV dvd player, okay, sounds good, what movie? Katherine L ask.

Well, that's up to these 4 I say pointing to Ellie, Dani, Talitha and Gabe, go look at the movies and agree on one then come back and we'll watch it I tell them while they all run off.

I sit down next to Lisa and start hooking it up, after about 5 minutes they come back we finally agreed on a movie Gabe says.

What movie? Lisa ask, reck it Ralph Talitha says with Ellie holding it up.

Okay, is that cool with everyone I ask and they nod, okay, let me see I say with Ellie handing it to me.

I open it up and put it in the DVD player with it turning it on okay, who wants popcorn? I ask and they  all raise their hands.

Okay, come on Lise, let's get some popcorn I tell her while she gets up and we look for some.

( A hour later)

Everyone fell asleep and it's at the part were the lady tells fix it Felix how her ex husband died.

I get up being quite as I can and shut it off and let the fire keep going so I sit back down at my spot and lay down.

I look up at the ceiling I hope Christina is gonna be okay I say to myself.

Chapter 12 done, sorry for any spelling mistakes. So they found out where Ellie is going and she told Dylan she will help  him with Katherine L and she checked on Joel with Ellie and Skylar is worried about Christina, what will happen in the next chapter? Read more to find out.

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