I still say you are Jason Statham

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( next day)

-Skylar's POV-

I've been up all night just because I don't want any zombies to come up and attack us out of nowhere.

I'm holding my standard manufacturing DP-12 12-Gauge Double-Barrel Pump-Action Shotgun while Lisa has her head on my left shoulder because she fell asleep like that.

She's coverd with the blanket and the fire is still kinda going but it's already 7am and it's already like 100 degrees.

I can't keep my eyes open anymore so I'm gonna close my eyes just for 5 minutes so I do so.

My finger slips and the gun goes off with the girls waking up screaming what happen?! Christina questions while everyone is looking around.

Sorry my finger slipped I replie standing up, did you stay up all night? Lisa ask me.

Yeah I say putting the gun on safey, well, what time is it? Dani ask so I look at my watch.

7:05am I replie setting the gun down, start eating, we have a long day ahead of us I tell the girls.

We all grab our bags and grab a sandwich and start eating how are we gonna put the fire out? Amy questions after we're all done eating.

I got it I say standing up and unzip my pants about to pee on it, Christina  smacks me the back of my head not that way! She basically yells at me.

She grabs her water bottle and pours some of it on the fire while I zip my pants back up.

She throws it on the ground what is the matter with you? She questions while I shurg rubbing the back of my head while the girls giggle.

What do you see in her? Christina ask Lisa, a lot of things she replies smirking at me and winks.

I blush okay, come on I say walking to the car, we all get in and I start driving down the road again.

Keep heading down this road Lisa tells me looking at the map, okay I replie.

Do you think you should drive, you've been up all night Christina ask me, no, I'm good I say still looking at the road.

What is that? Dani questions putting her head in the middle between Lisa and I and points to the road.

I look closely to the road to see it's a zombie it's a fricken zombie I say while I slow down.

Skylar, just leave it Lisa tells me while I open the door and hit it with it, it falls to the ground screaming or whatever sound that is.

Little basterds I say closing the door and contuine driving, I still say you are Jason Statham Dani says chuckling.

I wish I replie looking at her smirking.

( 3 hours) ( 10am)

Um guy's, I need to pee Dani says, okay, find a gas station or something I tell everyone.

Sky, found a 7/11 Katherine says, I look to see it is okay I replie pulling in the parking lot.

I shut it off and grab my gun getting out let's go I say, they grab their guns and we get out.

Stay behind me I tell them while they literary get behind me while I open the door pointing my gun looking around.

Keep an eye out I say walking in, Dani follow me I tell her while she gets behind me and we start looking for a bathroom.

We finally found one and we both look at each other then back at the door so I grab the door knob and open it slowly.

I turn on the light and quickly point my gun around to see nothing okay, make it fast I tell her letting her in.

Don't get your boxers in a knot she replies closing the door, I playfully roll my eyes walking up to the girls.

Okay, grab anything you want and make sure you go to the bathroom before we leave, I don't wanna stop again I tell them.

What if we don't need to go? Lauren ask, then make yourself go I replie walking to the door to make sure no zombies are coming.

I look out the window and there's nothing so I turn back around also grab whatever you want, we can't be eating just sandwiches I tell them.

Skylar, you need to get some rest Lisa says walking up to me, who's going to drive? I question.

Sky, there's 5 of us that can drive I'm pretty sure one of us will drive she replies.

Okay, who ever drives make sure you go in the right direction I say, okay, I'll tell them she says walking off.

After everyone is done going to the bathroom and get what they wanted and I did my business we all walk out of the 7/11.

We need to get gas I tell them while we get in the car, I start it and pull up to the gas tank and get out and do my thing then put the gas in.

I still can't beileve it's a zombie apocalypse I say to myself then I hear banging so I quickly turn around to see the girls pointing behind me.

I turn back around to see a zombie running up to me and it's really close oh shit I say to myself running around the car.

It's right behind me so I just run around the car come on Skylar, think I say to myself.

I stop quickly turning around and shoot it in the head with it falling to the ground next to my feet.

Skylar, let's go! I hear Christina yell to me so I look behind the car to see a lot of zombies running this way.

Open the window! I yell to them while the back window opens so I run up to the car jumping through the window.

Go, go, go! I yell with a bunch of zombies coming up trying to get in with the girls screaming.

One grabs onto my foot so I start kicking it off get off you fucker! I yell shooting it and it let's go of me.

We are down the road so I sit up oh my gosh sky, are you okay? Lisa ask cupping my cheeks.

I'm fine, are you guys okay? I ask them looking around, we're good they all replie while I nod shutting the window.

I hate it when they just pop up like that I say sitting back, it's over now, so you can get some sleep Lisa tells me.

If anything happens just wake me up I tell them, got it Christina replies while I set my gun down on the ground and try to relax.

I close my eyes and try to let sleep take over me.

Chapter 7 done, sorry for any spelling mistakes. So Skylar almost got eaten and they are now on their way again, what will happen in the next chapter? Read more to find out.

Not my best but at least it's something

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