Could you guy's shut up!

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-Skylar's POV-

What? I question, who are you, Jason Statham? Dani questions.

It was gonna get in, what was I suppose to do? I replie, you have major balls Christina says.

I playfully roll my eyes I don't want my girlfriend and her sisters to get hurt, you guy's have been my only family since my parents died I tell them.

Awe they all say in unison, you love us Dani says hugging me from behind then they all do expect for Lisa she kisses my cheek.

Alright, let's just focus where we're suppose to go I tell them blushing in embarrassment.

( 3 hours later)

-Lisa's POV-

We're finally at a truck stop because everyone needed to go to the bathroom and Skylar needed a break from driving.

Okay, stay together and if there's anything in the bathroom shoot them Skylar tells us getting out, we get out of the car and get close to Skylar with our guns ready.

We get to the bathroom and Skylar opens it a little then walks fully in, we walk in and we checks the toilets and nothing.

Okay, go to the bathroom Skylar tells us and we all go to the bathroom, after I was done I walk out of the stall to see Skylar leaning against the sink.

You didn't go to the bathroom? I question walking up next to her turning on the water, I was waiting for one of you to go to the bathroom she replies walking into the stall I was in.

We're all done and we get back into the car this time Christina driving, I cuddle up next to Skylar and she wraps her arm around me.

( hour and a half)

Guy's we're finally in Nevada Christina tells us, awesome, how much longer to Las Vegas? Skylar ask.

2 more hours then we'll find a motel or somewhere to stay for tonight she replies, okay we all replie then I see Skylar keeping Dani entertained so she won't feel scared as much.

( 2 hours later)

We're here in Las Vegas and we just got to a motel, Skylar lifts Dani off of us for a second then lays her back down on my lap so she won't wake up because she fell asleep on mine and Skylar's lap with her head on my lap.

I'll go check the room to see it's safe she tells us, I'll come with you Christina says getting out.

You guy's stay here they both tell us closing the door.

-Skylar's POV-

Christina and I are standing in front of a motel room and I'm trying to unlock it with paper clip like my dad showed me.

I get it unlock and hold up my gun looking at Christina, she nods and I open the door walking in.

She checks under the bed while I check the bathroom then the bathtub and nothing so we head back to the door and walk up to the car.

It's clear, let's go in I tell the girls grabbing Dani from Lisa's lap, we get the car door close um, Skylar Amy says nervously.

Yeah? I question looking at her, she points behind me and I turn around to see 3 zombies so I quickly give Dani to Christina.

Don't shoot so you won't wake up Dani I tell them taking out my bat, come Lauren, I need your help I tell her grabbing her.

W-what? W-why me? She stutters, just do it I tell her through grin teeth so she takes out her bat and follows me.

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