Chapter Two -

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"Hey Fitz you want to come over?" I asked

"Of course I want to come over." He said with that adorable smile on his face

"Oh I almost forgot to mention, Linh, Dex, Tam, Biana, and Keefe will be there." I told him

"Oh" was his only reply

"I know that look, what's going on?"I said

"Nothing" he mumbled

"We are cognates, no secrets remember" I was a little sad he didn't trust me enough to tell me

"Okay it's just that I thought you meant just us."he said

Normally that would have been cute but that's the third time he's tried to exclude others since we started dating.  Which is understandable but we already spend so much time alone together. Last time he tried to ditch Keefe and have us go do something by ourselves. I told him I had to go.

I headed over to the place we were meeting. Biana and me were the only ones there.

"Sophie" Biana exclaimed

"Hey, where are the others?" I asked.

She shrugged. "Probably on their way here. Wheres the Fitzster?" She asked wiggling her eyebrows.

Any day she would've blushed, but today she just flopped on the floor in starfish position. She sighed.

"He got mad that everyone was going to be here, he wanted it to be just us."

"He got mad? Over that?" Biana huffed, taking a seat next to her best friend.

"He seemed disappointed and mad. But, I guess that understandable. He said he really likes me, it was cute. He justs wants to hang out, y'know?"

“I guess” Biana said not sounding completely sure

I turned around to see Dex, and Lihn coming.

“Hey” Dex said

We all stood there for a minute. It was so nice, no neverseen, no training, no nothing. Keefe walked him and gave that silly smirk of his. I rolled my eyes.

“You know you love it” Keefe said

“In your dreams” I wanted to slap that sly smirk off his face

Fitz walked in and immediately said hi to me and practically ignored everyone else. I’m probably just being paranoid, boy would I end up saying that a lot today. Fitz barely let me talk to anyone else. He interrupted Dex and Biana. I understand he’s just looking out for me but I can defend myself.

I was up tossing and turning all night. I kept telling myself I was being paranoid, but was I?

When I woke up I pushed every bad thought linked to Fitz out of my head because today was our day. Who cares if the matchmakers think I’m unmatchable I had found my perfect match. I put on a dress because Edaline and Grady we’re throughing  is a party at the cliff side to celebrate.

I imagined it a million times the lights, the music, our dancers but even though I imagined it a million different ways. I never imagined the outcome.

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