Chapter 1 - the first incident

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Sophie's POV

I was sitting in class when the first bad sign arose, but I was too oblivious to notice.

Since it was the first day, we got to pick our partner. I looked over at Biana and apparently she had the same idea. She skipped over to me with her books and satchel.

"Partners?" She asked with a hopeful smile. I returned the smile with the dark haired teen and draped my arm around her shoulders.

"Of course!! Who else would I be a partner with?" I asked giving her a playful shove.

"Me." Spoke someone behind us with a crisp accent. I turned to see Fitz. My boyfriend. I blushed slightly, I dont know why we were a already a thing.

"Hi." I gave him a shy wave and he raised his eyebrow and crossed his arms. He beckoned towards a empty seat next to him.

"You're my girlfriend, Sophie and I want to sit with you. I barely believe your mine I keep having to pinch myself to remember it's not a dream and I dont want to share you, at least not yet."

"Aww, sure I will be your partner" I replied giving him a playful nudge

"Sorry" I told Biana "I just want to be partners with Fitz"

"Its okay" she replied sounding a little disappointed

I felt bad but we are together. I couldnt say no, right?

I looked into Fitzs gorgeus teal eyes and he began "Look, Sophie. I'm sorry, ok? It's just that we just got together and I like you so much. So are we good?" He looked at me to reassure him

I looked at him and through a smile said "Ya, we are."

Looking back I cant believe how nieve  I was. This was just the beginning.

It's Too Late (Sokeefe) Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt