Chapter eleven: someone new

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We’ve been married for 6 months and so far so good. Kris is away most of the time and it tends to get lonesome. So in order to entertain myself, since I was no longer working, after I clean up the house because I insisted that we not get maids because I’ll be home so that I can do things, I would go to the nearby coffee shop to get some coffee and maybe read a book to relax and unwind before Kris gets home

I was busy sipping on my latte when someone tapped the table

“is this seat taken?” a guy with a dark red hair asked

He was 3 cm smaller than Kris. They both had the same body type and he looks Chinese

“no” I say and he takes a seat

After a few minutes, I notice that he was staring at me

“is there something wrong Mr?” I put down my book

“nothing. I’m Guojin by the way but you can call me Red” he holds out his hand

Oh, so he’s Chinese.

I say my name and take his hand “nice to meet you” I smile at him

Ever since the day I met red, we would always hang out at the cafe and talk about books and everything under the sun.

I talked Kris into letting me take my job back but only as a part time employee. When he said no, i told him that I was bored as hell at home so he finally agreed. Of course I lied about the part of being a part time employee. Let's just wish he wouldn't find out.

I was at the coffee shop because it was my day-off and Kris was busy with a meeting and will be home late. I was reading a book when Red sat in front of me

“hey” he smiled “haven’t seen you in a while”

“I went back to work” I set my book down

“want something?” he asks

“I’m good” I smile at him

“I’ll just go order” Red goes to the counter and I look out the window

I suddenly see Kris’ car parked across the street. I smiled but suddenly frowned when I saw a lady get out of the car and hug him. I blinked and rubbed my eyes

I hope I was just seeing things. I hope the guy just looks like Kris

Red snaps his fingers “is there something wrong?”

“no, nothing. I just thought I saw my husband”

A/N: he doesn’t want to write about his side of the story about this and the next few chapters because we might end up fighting about the past again. He doesn’t like bringing dead things back to life.

Is there as happy ending for the two of us?حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن