Bonus: I'll tell you my side of things

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A/N: he wrote this. So thank you. Finally you decided to help me.

“I have always loved her but I was young and stupid back then and it reached to the point where I let her walk away.”



I was at this boring high school reunion. It was boring as hell because my high school friends were not there. Suddenly I see Heechul with her. The years have been good to her. She looks better. I didn’t realize as I was thinking, I was already approaching her. She was sipping champagne and talking with her friends.

Friends. That’s where everything starts right?

I was suddenly nervous. How will she react when she sees me?

“how have you been?” I ask and she turns around

The expression on her face made me relax. She smiled at me.

She recognized me. I smiled.

“I’ve been well.” she says and sips on the champagne

“I heard you’re very successful now.” I say to her. I have been reading news about her and asking some batch mates of how she has been doing all these years. Ever since the day she walked away, I kept watch on her from a far.

“not really.” She laughs. That laugh. I have always missed that laugh of hers.

“I heard you passed the bar exam. Congratulations, attorney.” She snaps me out of my thoughts

“thank you.” I smile at her “you’re studying medicine right? Paediatrics?”

“yes, I only have a year left.” She smiles

“that’s great” I smile “do you want more champagne?”

“no, I’m good. I still have to drive home” she avoids my gaze.

I still have that effect on her.

“are you staying at your condo unit?” I ask

“no, I’m staying at a hotel” she looks out the window

“I could accompany you” I offered. I missed her so much

“no need, Heechul’s with me.” Damn it. Heechul’s with her.

Apparently Heechul and I have mutual feelings about each other. We’re afraid of each other and I’m really scared of Heechul ever since we were in high school.

I call her the next day. Wondering where I got her number? Let’s just say a “friend” gave it to me.

She answered after 5 rings

  “hello?” her voice still laced with sleep

“good morning” I say and all I hear is silence

“hey. Still there? It’s Kris.” I chuckle my nervousness away

“yes, I’m still here. How did you get my number?” she was alert this time

“I asked around.”

“why did you call?” I can hear fear and anger in her voice

“can I invite you for lunch?” I can hear her doubt

Is there as happy ending for the two of us?Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora