Chapter 7- Get Your Shit Together

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Sam's POV
I was at football practice when I heard screams and saw ambulance lights in the parking lot. "Back to work boys I'm sure it's nothing!" Coach shouted, we all went back to practicing. That was until Lily came running on to the field screaming for me and Ben.

"Miss Carson. What is the meaning of this?" Coach said with a tone of irritation in his voice. She shook her head as tears started strolling down her face. Ben, Parker and I ran over to her the minute we saw tears.

"What's going on? What's wrong?" Ben asks apprehensively, she starts crying harder. "It's Emma. She's hurt really bad, there was so much blood. She's going to the hospital." I froze.

"What happened?" I ask nervously, she shakes his head. "Stacey was the one who called 911. She said that Emma came in all bloody, muttered help and passed out. She called me and I came running over. It was horrible!"

"Do you know what hospital she's going to?" She nods, I sigh. "Okay, I'll drive. Coach I hope you understand but we have to-"

"Go ahead. Send Miss Bennet my best." I ran as fast as I could to the locker room and got my keys out of my locker and all of our phones and stuff and ran back to the parking lot. We all got into my car and sped off to the hospital.

Luckily the hospital isn't too far away. Once we got there I parked the car and within minutes we were at the front desk of the hospital. "I'm looking for Emiliana Bennet, she was brought in here not too long ago. I'm her sister." Lily says frantically, we all look at her confused. Emma must be her nickname or something.

"Yes. Miss Bennet is getting stitched up now. She lost a lot of blood so she's going to have to recover, and she has a sprained ankle. I'm afraid you can't go in to see her until police are able to question her."

"Question her? For what?" My heart kept racing. I couldn't help but think the worst of what happened to her. "Based on Miss Bennet's wounds, we can conclude that she was attacked and it is protocol to call the police."

I shake my head as my heart starts beating faster. "I need to call my mom."

"Why your mom? What will she be able to do?" Parker asks, I shake my head. "Emma has been staying with us so my mother is technically her guardian. She has to be there when the police question her since she's a minor. I'll be right back."

I took out my phone and dialed my mothers number. I know she'll answer because she knows that I don't call her at work unless it's an emergency. "What's wrong?"

"It's Emma. She was attacked, we're at the hospital now. Since you're technically her guardian you have to come down here and be there when the police speak to her."

"Oh my god that's horrible. I'll be there as soon as I can. For now don't leave her side-"

"We're trying to sneak in but it's not working." I grunt in frustration, my mother chuckled. "I have an idea but I know that Emma's not going to like it."

"Well too bad. What is it?"

"They'll let two people in to see her. A guardian, or a spouse. So you or whoever else you're with has to pretend to be her husband and you'll be let in."

"I'll try. Thanks mom, please hurry." I hung up the phone and walked back over to everyone. "Okay so my mom said that until she gets here only one person can visit her and that's a spouse. So do any of you have a ring?" Ben nods and takes it off of his finger.

"It has to be you man. Lily and I are siblings so I can't pass for it, and Parker is with Lily. Good luck." He hands me the ring and pushed me towards the nurse. "Look, I'm her husband. Don't I at least get some right to see her?"

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