★Chapter 7

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Note: four months later btw

Warnings: none my loves

Words: 1k

★★★Phil's House★★

I held Mia close to me feeling tears prick my eyes again, I couldn't believe what had just happened and what could've been horrible.


I smiled at my daughter as we walked down the street but I couldn't help but see a bush of blonde hair ahead.

I panicked for a moment but it didn't matter as she had seen us,

"Phil!" Olivia exclaimed running over her hair bouncing.

"Hey." I said backing away as she tried to hug me.

"Oh my goodness look at my girl she's so grown!" Olivia said bopping Mia on the nose.

"Don't touch her." I growled.

"Oh wow your still on that thing." Olivia said rolling her eyes.

"Oh course I am! You left us!" I said turning away.

"No hand me my daughter you asshole." Olivia said grabbing Mia's leg.

"Like I said Olivia don't touch her." I said harshly.

Mia's big eyes filled with tears and she curled into a ball on my chest,

"It's ok darling." I cooed wrapping my arms around her tighter.

Olivia again tried to grab her and I slapped her hand off,

"Listen to me Olivia you left this beautiful girl three years ago and I don't want her to get used to you because legally you said you didn't want her so I have full custody of her." I said tears forming in my eyes as well.

"You hit me!" Olivia screamed making a lot of people turn around.

Olivia smirked at me deviously as people started coming over.

"Whoa what's happening here?" some lady asked wrapping her arm around Olivia's shoulders.

"He won't let me see my own daughter!" she exclaimed crying like Laura Lee.

"Sir if you would please." the woman said I gripped my daughter shaking my head backing away.

"If you're not letting her see her child just because she's a woman is so sexist." the lady snapped.

"I don't care what gender she is." I said back.

"Well then let her see her daughter." some man said stepping up to me.

"No." I simply said turning around to see some really hench men walking toward me.

I looked for escapes so I looked to my left to see an opening I ran for it not stopping.

*flashback over*

My phone lit up and I leaned over to check it,

Dan: Hey.

I sighed and set Mia down carefully hoping to not wake her up.

Me: what's up?

Dan: nothing.

Me: are you okay?

Dan: what's your meaning of ok?

Me: idk just talk to me.

★Flowers & Tattoos★Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora