★Chapter 6

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Note: Charlotte Cardin has some of my UwU's.

Warnings: forcing kissing, angst.

Words: 1k.

★★★End Of The Day★★★

Dan's POV

As soon as I felt his lips on mine I felt all kinds of emotions, I didn't think it would turn out this bad. I kissed him back not wanting to be hurt by his group or anyone who liked him I knew it was wrong and it would hurt my relationship but I couldn't stop myself.

"I thought you had a boyfriend." Damien said grabbing my waist.

"I d-" I was cut off by Damien's lips again.

"I know you do dumbass just kiss me he doesn't have to know." Damien demanded.

I felt like crying but I kept kissing him as not to make him upset, Damien was one of those kids who you fall in love with then you're thrown aside and replaced with someone else better than you.

I pulled away but Damien was quick to kiss me again I could try and push him back but he's like a bolder he's super fit and would budge if I tried I'm not that strong.

I heard a sharp intake of breath behind Damien, so I pulled away looking nervously over his shoulder to see my own boyfriend standing there looking super betrayed.

He pursed his lips, "I see." is all that left his lips before he looked down and started walking away.

"Fuck." I cursed and finally pushed Damien off of me going after Phil.

"Phil!" I called watching as the raven haired male turned around with tears in his eyes.

"What now? Here to say it's finally over? Thanks Dan you were great I should have listened to Blake but I was too caught up in this dream where you were a good guy but I guess I had my hopes too high." he said strangely calm.

"No that wasn't what it looked like." I tried to explain but it looked like Phil had, had enough.

"Shut the fuck up! I don't give two shits what your gonna say! I know how break ups work ok? Just be done with me a leave like everyone else!" he yelled at me which hurt me deeply as he never yelled and I mean never.

"I know sorry won't cut it but I really am sorry I didn't do it Phil please believe me I-" I was stopped by tears running down his face which hurt worse.

"I'll just leave you and Damien to whatever you were doing 'cause it looks like I'm not important." he said pathetically.

"I don't want anything to do with Damien Phil!" I yelled.

"Then why are you with him?!" he yelled back.

I grabbed his arm and lead him outside so we weren't just yelling at each other in the hallway.

"Why must you cheat now?! I can't believe I even trusted you!" Phil yelled.

"I didn't consent to being kissed by a douche bag either Phil!" I yelled back.

"I thought you were different! I thought you wouldn't do this type of thing Dan!" Phil said stepping closer to me I stepped back being completely against the wall now.

As we yelled at each other a voice cut us both off,

"Whoa whoa whoa! Stop!" Louise yelled at both of us.

"What happened?" Pj asked stepping up Chris following.

"Dan cheated on me with Damien." Phil said glaring at me.

I watched as all my friends raised their eyebrows Louise put her hands on her hips,

"True or not Dan." Louise said her voice dangerous.

"True." I mumbled stuffing my hands in my pockets looking down.

"Good luck with no friends Dan." Louise said leading the group and my now ex boyfriend away.

I didn't say anything I just want to my car getting in pulling my knees to my chest feeling tears in my eyes, is it cheating if you don't consent? No it's not cheating if you don't say "Hey sure let's do this" I didn't say shit I think Damien personally hates Phil.

★★★Time skip shorter than my battery life★★★

As I was driving I couldn't help but want Phil's hand in mine calming me down, I turned on the radio and Charlotte Cardin came on I felt myself calm down a bit.

I pulled into the parks parking lot and stopped pulling my knees to my chest, I thought back to our date even though it made my heart ache.

I started driving again feeling a new wave of tears hit me, I zoomed to my house getting out running up to my room locking the door.

★★★Week Later★★★

I had seen my group and half of Phil's group at lunch laughing happily which made me want to shout,

"Shut up and stop being happy!"

But I didn't wanna I was all alone everyday which bothered me a little 'cause I always had my friends to help me calm down but they were being happy with other people. I would sneak glances at Phil and wish I just could've told Damien to kindly fuck off but I couldn't 'cause I'm too nice.

I noticed I had been looking at my "group" a little too long and I caught the attention of Phil who quickly looked away staring down at the table.

"What's wrong Phil?" I heard Louise ask him.

"It's nothing I'm just thinking." he replied giving her a small smile.

"About what?" she asked, she was a nosy mum basically.

"About Dan." is not what I expected to come from his lips.

"Do you miss him?" she asked.

"A lot." he said sadly.

"Well I don't think Dan really cheated on you I mean he may have said he did but I think he did so we didn't bombard him with questions. Plus Damien is known for messing up people's lives I mean he messed up mine so I guess it's revenge for something." Louise said.

"I know I'll be right back." Phil said.

I felt a hand on my shoulder I felt my face heat up and I tensed up. I knew it was Phil's hand but I just couldn't bring myself to look at him.

"Dan?" Phil asked sitting beside me.

I sighed and turned toward him he didn't have a pained expression like he did that day I blushed looking at my hands which I fiddled with.

"I'm so sorry Phil I know I should have explained then but I didn't want you to hurt Damien he may be an asshole but he's a human and then you would be in so much trouble, but I'll explain right now. Damien kissed me without my consent and I didn't like I tried pushing him back the first time but I kissed back so I didn't make him mad and it I regret it d-" I was cut off by hand over my mouth.

"I understand and I'm sorry for instantly thinking the worst I seem like such a horrible boyfriend." Phil said but when the word boyfriend rolled off his tongue my eyes widened.

"I thought we were over when you found Damien and I but I guess not." I said.

"I mean you could call it a week break up." Phil said chuckling.

"You could." I chuckled as well.

"Come on let's go back to the group." Phil said standing up I gathered my sketch pad and notebook following Phil to the group.

"Sorry Dan." Louise said patting my hand.

"It's ok I understand why you did what you did." I said smiling at her.

So is everything gonna be ok now? I sure hope so but I don't think it will I just have a feeling.

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