★Chapter 1

51 5 0

Note: Hope you enjoy!

Warnings: none my loves

Words: 1k


Phil's POV

As I heard my very annoying alarm I knew it was time to leave to a hellish place where we learn about stuff that's not always useful.

I slipped off my shirt pulling on a black shirt with various patterns on it with some basic black skinny jeans, once I decided my outfit was fine I pulled on my beloved black and white converse. 

I sighed and walked down stairs seeing my little brother sitting on the couch playing with his action figures.

"See ya after school mum! See ya buddy." I said my goodbyes to my Mum and brother who just pouted.

"Have a good day honey!" my Mum called after me.

I grabbed my keys walking to my car climbing in.


As soon as I pulled into a parking spot I saw Howell and his crew of pastels standing against a wall talking quietly as usual Howell was wearing a blue hoodie and black jeans which hugged his legs to which I adored.

He was perfect with his curls and dimply smile I had a crush on this sweet boy but I just couldn't tell him or anyone I have to keep a reputation of being this tough guy who's straighter than a line but in reality it's nothing like that.

I was snapped out of my thoughts by knocking at my window I looked at Megan who just smirked shaking her head, I opened the door getting out hugging her everyone thought Meg and I were a thing or at least we had a crush on each other but it's not what people think we've both come out to each other her a demisexual and me pansexual.

I casted my glace back to Dan who was staring back at me his eyes widened and he looked away getting flustered which made me smile, 

"Why are you always staring at Dan?" Meg asked linking our arms I shrugged at my "little sister".

"He's just so perfect." I said feeling Meg's shoulders shake with a laugh.

"Shut up. You know Louise? Your girlfriend you can't keep your eyes off her." I said in matter-of-factly tone.

"Touche." Meg said as we arrived to our group.


I sat down in class sighing as the teacher took roll, when he called Dan's name my heart fluttered.

"Ok class so we're gonna be doing projects and I'll pair people so I know you'll really work together and not goof around and get nothing done." he said looking at me raising his eyebrows.

"Alright. Louise and Megan. Caspar and Pj. Veronica and Heather. Alex and Jefferson please don't fight you two. Dan and Phil." he kept talking but I didn't listen 'cause I got to work with Dan! 

I wrote down something on a note,

We can work at my house tonight here's my number if you need anything

 879-292-0984 xx.

I blushed as I pocketed the note ready for class to be over, after ten minutes of the teacher droning on about what the project was about the bell rang. 

I walked over to Dan and tapped his shoulder he turned around and I shoved the note in his hand I winked as I walked away to caught up with Meg.

"I got Dan for my project." I said smiling widely to which Megan just giggled.

"Be careful with him bro he's fragile as frackle or so Louise says." Meg said censoring herself.

"What if he's scared of me?" I asked her worried

"Well just act like your normal self and don't try and be tough drop that as soon as you two leave to your house." Megan said pulling out some gum handing me a piece.

"I don't think I'll work with him in the room I just think I'll be staring at him the whole time." I said unwrapping the gum popping it into my mouth.

"You're hopeless." Meg said linking our arms once again.

"Phil?" I heard someone ask Meg and I turned around to be met with Dan.

"Yes?" I asked quietly.

"Sorry to bother you and your girlfriend but I will meet you after school." he said but when the word girlfriend came out of his mouth I let go of Megan.

"I wouldn't touch him with a ten foot pole." Megan said popping her gum loudly.

"Love you too bitch." I said smiling at Dan who just chuckled quietly. 

"Alright then." he said turning around rushing away.

★★★After School★★★

"Bye Phil!" Megan called running to Louise kissing her cheek which made me smile,

"It's rude to stare at people Phil." someone mumbled I turned my head to see a curly haired Dan.

"I don't think they mind." I said motioning for Dan to follow me he seemed a bit hesitant but followed me anyway.

"Straight guys always staring at girl couples romanticizing them." Dan muttered quiet but I still heard.

I turned toward Dan who looked scared I raised my eyebrow at him "I am in no way romanticizing my little sister and her girlfriend so don't talk about people behind they're backs got it?" I tried to stay calm but couldn't Dan looked at the ground nodding.

"Megan is your little sister?" Dan asked trying to calm  the situation down.

"Not biologically." I said.

"So just friends?" he asked once more.

"Yes." I answered.

"Do you have a girlfriend?" Dan asked I turned my head toward him unlocking my car.

"Get in and no." I said.

"But I bet you're still straight." Dan said under his breath.

"Not straight but pansexual." I said winking at Dan who blushed.

"I'm also a pansexual." Dan said looking out of the window.

★★★Phil's House★★★

I grabbed my house keys getting out of my car Dan following suite, I knew Jamie was have been home so I knocked on the door after a few minutes the door opened and a older woman smiled at me.

"Yes?" she asked.

"Is my mum home yet?" I asked.

"No." she said letting us come in.

"Follow me Dan." I said grabbing his hand feeling how soft they are.

As we made our way up stairs I didn't let go of Dan's hand I just didn't want too I shut my door as soon as it was I let go of Dan's hand

"I like your room." Dan commented looking at the posters.

"Oh thanks I'm kinda obsessed with posters as you can probably tell." I said scratching the back of my neck feeling myself heat up.

"I have a lot of posters too don't worry but mine are less band and more flowers some bands." Dan said fiddling with the straps on his bag.

"Let's get started." I said as I pulled out the necessary textbooks.

"Alright." Dan said.

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