Someone Dies

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POV: Percy

He had worn himself out. There was nothing he could do now but watch Kai stand over him in triumph.

She had beat him.

And she knew it.

The trident, turned quinquedent, looms dangerously close to his neck.

Percy wandered what was taking her so long to act. Then he saw it, she was fighting her mother's control just as he had been, but it looked like she hadn't quite broken free yet.

Beads of sweat dripped down in her eyes, down her face.

Kai let out a frustrated grunt, and brings down her quinquedent.

Percy covers his face with his arms, in a vain attempt to keep himself from the worst of it.


The pier's boards, right next to his left ear, cast tiny chips of wood into his skin. That was going to be painful to remove later.

Uncovering his face in distraught, Percy sees her on her knees next to him, panting. Next to Kai, the quinquedent sits buried in the wood of the pier.

Percy let out a sigh of relief before an ice chunk flies past his head.

"We aren't done yet!!" Kai's mother yelled. She hovered to the pier where Percy, Kai, and an unconscious Lucas lay.

Nico pops out of the lake, and wades to the shore with a look that could murder the dead. Which could be a very likely possibility.

Kai smacks Lucas across the face, and he startles awake.

"Wa-what'd I miss?" He drawls.

"Nothing yet." Percy told him.

Percy and Kai both stand, helping Lucas to his feet.

"Why can't you kids stay down?" Kai's mother hissed. She explodes in a fury, white blizzards hit them from all sides, making it hard to stand.

Percy shields his eyes from the harsh winds, squinting to get a better view. Alas the blizzard is too thick to even see ten feet in front of himself.

  A warm body presses against his back. Peering over his shoulder be sees Lucas and Kai, both watching the air in front of them.
Kai raises her hands.
A white flash erupts from her hands, and the blizzard stills midair.

"Get her!" She spits out of her gritted teeth, her arms quivering under her mother's will.

To their left, a split in the ground buries deep where Nico used to be. He probably went down there to escape the blizzard.

Percy leads Lucas to Kai's mother.

POV: Kai

Her weary muscles tremble, straining against her mother's willpower.

She must.

If she can't, then they won't be able to see what they are doing.

And if they can't see? They would be doomed.

Just ahead, Kai watches Percy and Lucas fight her mother. She has brought back the ice whip, and sends them dodging behind boulders.
Her gut's fiery temper returns, as it twists it's way through her stomach.
Where is Nico?

He has been missing from the scene for far to long for Kai's liking.
Her eyes dart from Nico's crevice and the boys.
She had to do something.
Squinting her eyes shut to boost her concentration, Kai forces her will against her mother's. Back and forth they push like a tug of war match.

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