The Ice Witch

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Kai burst out in a fit of giggles. She can only calm herself once she notices nobody else is laughing.

"Wait, you're being serious?"

Nico nods.

"But how is that logical? He is a greek myth, myths aren't real." Kai countered, thinking that she had got them there.

"You don't have any proof otherwise, you don't know who your biological father is, you even have water powers and a trident, how is it so impossible to believe that you have a godly parent?" Nico counters.

"Well, for starters, if he was a god, the least he could do is send me a bodyguard or something, do you even know how hard it had been until my step-father showed up?" Kai crosses her arms.

"Are you sure that he wasn't sent by him?"

"No, but he would have told me something that important."

Nico quirks his eyebrow, obviously not believing her convictions as she did.

"Besides that, you are trying to tell me that I've had a divine parent who has basically been ignoring me for fifteen years?! Unless you count my step-father, then it was ten. But that doesn't matter, IF he was my Father than why would he abandon me until I turned ten! Gods are omnipotent, couldn't he just split himself and take care of me?!"

"It's not like that Kai, he wasn't allowed to even have children as part of the big three vow. And though that pact is broken now, your age means you were born in the timeframe of when the vow was still in tact. Even now, if he showed you attention it would bring tension between the other gods and him, and might start a war." Nico said calmly.

"I don't care!! If he wasn't allowed to have children than why did he even risk having me!? If he broke the rules once to have me, couldn't he break them again to take care of me?!" Kai baisically screamed. The room stayed quiet, they were probably afraid to say anything, in case it made the problem worse.

"He abandoned me with that monster," tears sting her eyes "you have no idea what it is like to live with a woman like that! She would just leave me to fend for myself, then when she actually noticed me, she would-" her voice caught there as she thought about what she was going to say, but she decided she didn't want the boys to know any of that and continued on. "Why would any person on this planet leave a child of their own with an alcoholic parent? Does he even care?!" The last sentence cracks, her voice breaking along with her facade. All Kai's energy seems to have drained once all the words came pouring out.

Outside lightning flashes and thunder rolls, causing the lake's water to stir and crash onto the rocks.

"Hey, Kai, you might want to clam down a bit." Lucas says looking wairly at the storm brewing.

"CALM DOWN!?!?!" Kai screamed standing up in her rush of rage. Her leg buckles under her, and she grabs ahold of Noah's broad shoulders to steady herself.


Nico grasps her shoulders, cutting off her sentence with the abrupt motion.

"Kai, look at me." He waits for her to hold his gaze. "When my sister Bianca died, I thought no one cared for me. I thought that my father hated me so much that he took the one person I actually liked out of my life. I thought my world was over, that nobody else could ever like a freak like me. I tried so hard to bring her back, that I pushed people that I cared about away. Part of me felt that I didn't deserve to have friends or be happy, convinced myself that there was no reason to keep fighting. But there is, you have to trust me. No matter what I've done to make you doubt my intentions, you have to trust me." He released Kai realizing that she had calmed down a bit.

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