New English Teacher. Hot: Check. Arrogant: Double Check. A Vampire: What?? /6/

Start from the beginning

And me being adopted? Yeah right! That's the most stupidest thing I have ever heard in my life. I am not adopted. Sure, I can't stand my parents, but that doesn't mean I hate them, or that we're not related.

I sighed, as I continued to walk. This is really a pain in the ass having to walk all the way home. After what felt like forever, my house came in sight, and I sighed in relief. This day was unbelievable.

Unlocking my front door, I glanced around, and found that my parents still haven't returned home. Huh, big shocker there. I saw that the answering machine was flashing, and it said I had 2 new messages.

I clicked it on to relay them. The first one was from my dad. "Hello darling, it's your father." I rolled my eyes. "Well I guess you're not home. I just wanted to let you know I...missed you. And that I think we should talk when we get home. I know I don't say it enough, but I love you Melinda."

I raised my eyebrows. Wow---did my dad really just say that? I mean, he's never done or said anything like that. That's just not who he is.

Shaking my head, I went to the second message. "Mel, it's Gwen! Girl where the hell are you?! I've texted you like 100 times! Look, a body was found outside of the school last night. It was Ashley! She was like, mauled or something! Anyways when you get this call me, okay?!"

Wide eyes and in complete shock, I pressed end. What....the hell? No way. Ashley can't be---dead. I mean, I just talked to the girl yesterday. Sure, she was a major bitch and I couldn't stand her, but just the though that she was murdered by someone is so sickening.

I sat down on the staircase for a moment, taking a deep breath. Someone from my school was....killed. Oh. My. God.

Slightly frazzled and still reeling from the news, I picked up my phone, and dialed Gwen's number. After a few rings, she answered. "Mel?" Her voice boomed.

I exhaled. "Hey it's me. What happened?"

"Where the hell have you been? I've been worried sick! I thought you were hurt, or lying in the ditch! You could have been murdered just like Ashley!" She said in one big breath.

I shook my head. "I'm sorry I just came home and passed out. I was really tired." I lied smoothly. "She was killed? How? I mean when?"

Gwen sighed. "She was found out in the school parking lot, by her car. Mel, her neck was like, torn up. They said she died of a loss of blood. The guy must have stabbed her or something." My jaw-dropped.

Her---neck? Now I'm no genius, but don't vampires usually bite the---neck? And she died from a loss of blood? Nah! I'm delusional! God I'm such an idiot there are no such things. Mr. Turner has me all out of sorts.

"Oh my god. That's horrible." Was all I was able to say.

"Yeah, she was coming back from cheerleading practice. He must have snuck up on her or something. The police are cautioning all women to be extremely careful, and not to be out after dark."

Gulping, I looked outside, as I saw the sun begin to set.

"Gwen I'm scared." I came out and said before I could stop myself.

There was a pause. "I know, me too. It's just way to close to home. I can't believe something that awful happened to someone we know."

I moved over towards my front door, locking both the top and bottom locks. "Yeah I know. This whole day is just so f'ed up." I retorted, as I moved up towards my bedroom.

"What do you mean? Did something else happen?" She questioned.

I sighed. "Well, Cameron threatened me. He said that he was going to make my life a living hell." I think I'll leave out the whole Mr. Turner belongs in a loony bin bit. "He's freaking weird."

"God what a creeper. I'm so sorry Mel. If he tries anything, I will personally kick his ass." I smiled as she said this, as I pushed my bedroom door open.

"Thanks Gwen, but I think I'll be fine. He just talks, he can't actually back it up." I laughed, stepping inside. Peeling off my shirt, I slipped on a tank top. "Look, I'm exhausted. We'll have lunch tomorrow and talk, cool?"

"Sure girl. Take care and be safe." I hung up, dropping my phone on the bed. I moved to my vanity, as I ran my brush though my hair. Still a little nervous about everything that's happened, I dropped it.

Cursing, I bent down to grab it. As I rose back up, I let out a monster scream when I looked back in the mirror. Standing behind me was Damon. What the hell is he doing in here? And how did he even get in?

"What the hell?" I exclaimed, as I slammed back away from him.

He chuckled, obviously amused. "It's nice to see you again Melinda."

My heart felt like it was pumping violently in my chest. "What the fuck are you doing in my house?" I spat, both outraged and petrified.

Ignoring my question, he walked to my shelf, picking up a picture of myself. It was a photo of my first dance recital. "Cute." He noted. Setting it down, he glanced at me. "You know, it was VERY hard tracking you down. They did a good job at hiding you."

They? Who and what is he talking about?

"Wh--what are you talking about? You need to leave before I call the police." With that, I dove for my phone. Before I even knew what was happening, Damon grabbed onto me, shoving me against the wall.

I winced in pain, as my arm rammed into it. He looked at me for a second, as he picked up the phone. "Now now, don't be irrational." Breathing heavily, I watched as he broke the phone.

With one hand...almost like it was nothing. How the hell is that possible? No one can do that, it's impossible.

Shaking, I pressed myself against the wall. "How did that?" My voice seemed to echo.

Damon stared at me, intrigued. "You don't know yet? I was sure Caleb would have told you by now. Well, he is a bit incompetent." He chuckled.

I felt dizzy. Caleb? As in...Mr. Turner?

"He--he told me a few things. But it's crazy, there's no way that can be the truth." I answered slowly, my eyes never leaving Damon.

Damon laughed at me. "It's the truth alright. And it would have been awfully wise of you to have stuck with him. But you made it that much easier for me."

The---truth? Is he saying that vampires are real? Is he apart of this cult too? I gulped, wondering what would be much easier for him.

Backing up, I tried to inch closer towards the door, but as I did, I nearly screamed when I Damon popped up right in front of me, slowly squatting down to my level. My whole body froze with fear.

"Such a beautiful girl." He murmured, as he brushed a strand of hair behind my ears. I trembled under his touch. "But apparently not very smart." He finished, as he jerked me up.

I shrieked, as he clutched me close to him. I could barely breathe. "P-please don't hurt me." I cried out.

Damon chuckled. "Oh shh, I won't hurt you. You're much to valuable. I just want to...sample you." My blood turned cold as he said this.

What does he mean by, sample me?

"W-what are y-you t-talking---" I inhaled sharply, as he pressed his lips against my neck. What is he doing?! Oh my god I'm going to die!

"You....smell...intoxicating." He breathed, as I felt something graze my skin.

Oh my god, is he going to---bite me? Are there really such things as vampires? And if there are, am I about to get killed by one?

"Please don't...." I begged, just as I felt a sharp pierce burn into my skin. I gasped, as I tried to pull away from him.

The pain didn't last long, because quickly after it appeared, the force was ripped off me, and I fell to the floor. Clutching my neck I looked up to see what happened. My heartbeat slowed.

Standing in front of me, was Mr. Turner.


New English Teacher. Hot: Check. Arrogant: Double Check. A Vampire: What??Where stories live. Discover now