Start from the beginning

With a lot of convincing, and making sure that he wasn't going to do anything, Jimin and the un-name little girl were walking their way to his apartment. On their way there, Jimin kept asking questions after question, nothing personal, but simple trying to make the little one comfortable. He would joke around making him hear a small giggle once awhile making him satisfied that he's making progress.

Once they finally by the door, the little girl saw that he pulling his key out and unlocking the door. Once the door open, she would hear deep noises not so far.

Jimin took the little girl hand and made their way towards the kitchen which is where the deep noises were coming from.

In the kitchen were six group of boys who were trying their best to close the open flame. Jimin hand rose on his face as he couldn't believe that this happen again, the fifth time and he knew who it was.

"Namjoon, I told you to turn on the stove to boil the pot! How in the world did the water caught on fire!"

"Someone said to put some oils to make the boil faster," the boy that was named Namjoon said.


"I swear google said it." The red hair boy defended making the man with black hair sigh in frustration.

Jimin had enough of the chaos and took the fire extinguisher that was under the sink and smothered the fire away. He slammed the extinguisher on the counter making everyone jump. "Are you stupid or are you stupid? There was literally a fire extinguisher under the sink."

"No one knew that."

"Why didn't you ask Yoongi hyung?" Jimin questioned looking at them dumbfounded.

"He was sleeping," Said the boy with the chestnut hair color.


"We didn't want to disturb him," taehyung pouted looking down at the floor.

Jimin was about to open his mouth till he knew that this conversation will go on endless cycle. He sighed, but at the corner of his eye he saw the little girl still standing there with big doe eyes.

"Who kid is this?" Said a man with ash gray hair that walked by the little one while he rub his eyes.

"Had a nice rest Cinderella? Did your Prince Charming finally came and woke you up with a kiss."

"Do you mean sleeping beauty?"

Jimin ignored his so called "brothers" and hold the little girl small hand. "Guys, I found this girl by the dumpster on my way from the market. Her parents abandon her and has no place to go."

"Jimin, why would you bring a little foreigner in our house? Second of all, why didn't you just take her to orphanage?" Said Namjoon. "Maybe other relatives of her are worried."

"That highly unlikely if her parents just left her in a country that she wasn't born at but, ethnically a part of. Yeah, she speaks Korean, and she speaks it fluently."

Namjoon crouch down and looked at the little girl who was playing with the little bunny ears. "Say, it is true that you can understand me?" She nodded. "Why were abandon?"

"My parents didn't want me anymore, I'm burden to them," she pouted.

A pang shot onto the boy heart as he imagine himself in her. He thought the same thing, a burden. But when he met the boys he didn't felt that way anymore. There are times he does, but he always reminded himself that he's better than what his parents thought.

"What made you trust in jiminie over there?" He pointed at the blonde boy who was leaning again the counter.

"He looked like a mochi," she said. "Plus he has the same necklace that I have," she said as she revealed a jade stone that was the same shape as Jimin's. "My great-grandma told me that not many people have this type of necklace because it was made somewhere special. She said that if I find a person with the exact same shape and form, then they are pure souls that can be trusted."

Jimin bit his lip as he was starting to get a bit emotional.

That's exactly what my grandmother said.

"If you don't want me that's okay," she whispered. "This isn't the first time my parents have left me and a stranger had me taken back to their care. That's probably why we traveled so far, so they can get rid of me more easily and not worry to take care of me."

Everyone as quiet as they had their attention between Namjoon and the little girl. Out of all of them, he was the most mature person in the group and good of making decisions quickly.

Namjoon wiped a lone tear as he look back at the little girls foreign eyes. "What's your name?"

"My name is Nina," she smiled. "But you can call me Hana."

"Well Hana, would you be okay being a part of this family. You are no different like the rest of us, so Im sure you'll be comfortable here, if that's what you want."

"You promise me you won't abandon me?" She mumbled.


"Or hurt me?"

"I will not hurt you."

"Will you love me like a big brother?"

"Yes," he smiled. "And you have six other boys that will like to be your big brother, and we love you to be our little sister."

"Okay big brother!" She smiled.

Everyone in the room smiled as they saw pure light that seem to radiate the whole room. It was so bright that it made Jin realize that he's now going to cook for seven people, and that there was a kimchi at the corner that forming into mold. Jungkook.

– part 2 soon! –

– part 2 soon! –

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— Baby Hana —

𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐈𝐑 𝐀𝐍𝐂𝐇𝐎𝐑; btsWhere stories live. Discover now