Last Minute Studying

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When Rose and I got back to the apartment, Emmett was already setting up for the party. "Hey girls, did you have a good workout?"

Rose walked right up to him and kissed him on the cheek, "Always do, babe. Can I borrow your shower? I don't want to go all the way back to my apartment. Tanya's acting strange."

"Sure," he wriggled his eyebrows suggestively, "Want me to join you?"

I made a gagging sound and they looked at me. "And you say Edward and I are bad."

Rose laughed before heading toward Emmett's room. Emmett gave me his best disapproving look, "Thanks Bella. Now I don't have an answer."

I shook my head and went to Edward's room. When I walked in, I saw Edward at his desk concentrating on a book. He had his earphones in and didn't even notice me walk in.

I tiptoed over to him and kissed him on the cheek. He jumped at the contact and swirled around in his seat so fast he nearly knocked me down. He reached out to steady me and pulled out his ear buds. "Love, you shouldn't sneak up on me like that. You scared me."

I leaned down and kissed him on the nose. "Sorry, I couldn't resist. You looked like you needed a kick of energy."

He ran his hands over my arms. "I was taking advantage of the quiet and doing some last minute studying. It's going to get crazy around here in a couple of hours."

I looked over at his stack of books. I wasn't sure how he was going to finish it. "Maybe after my shower, we could go to the library. I don't really want to be at the party."

He searched my face, "Are you sure? I mean, I'm not going to be very much fun if I'm studying?"

I laughed at his worried expression and ran my fingers through his hair. "You'll be even less fun over winter break if you don't do well on your exams. Don't worry. I'm English major. I'll be able to entertain myself in a library. Besides, it wouldn't hurt for me to do a little studying as well."

I pulled away from him and headed to the shower. I grabbed a towel and a pair of sweats along the way.

I didn't realize how tired I was until I stepped into the warm water. As my muscles began to relax, my mind began to phase out. I was definitely going to need some coffee before we hit the books.

I turned off the shower and grabbed my towel. As I was stepping into my sweats, my stomach started to growl. Supper would have to be on the agenda as well.

I left the bathroom to search for a comfortable shirt, "Whoa, Bella. You could give a guy a heart attack."

I looked over to see Jasper searching through Edward's CD's. I grabbed one of Edward's shirts from a chair and threw it over my head. "Jazz, couldn't you have warned me that you were in here? And where's Edward?"

Jasper laughed at my irritation. "Sorry Bells, I didn't know you were going to be in here." For some reason, my anger seemed to dull. It seemed that Jasper always knew how to calm me down. "And the last time I saw Edward, he was helping Emmett move the beer pong table to the edge of the room. Alice somehow got him to agree to move it."

I laughed, "I think she scared him into it. She might be small, but you don't want to cross her."

Jasper nodded and went back to searching through Edward's CDs. "You wouldn't happen to know where Edward's party mix might be, would you?"

I walked over to search with him. "No, Edward and I usually listen to more classical stuff than what you're looking for."

He scratched his head, "He said it should be in here."

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