Chapter 16

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As River and I walked back into camp hand in hand I couldn't help the little fluttering of my heart at how happy I was. River had a cheeky grin on his face that he couldn't seem to shake, not that it really seemed like he even wanted to.

Since it was still early in the morning there were still very few people in the halls and the ones that were out and about simply acknowledged us and moved on. As far as they're concerned nothing important happened, but I know different.

Something changed between River and I outside this morning; something that seemed destined to happen. I allowed a shy smile to creep across my face as I realized that River was watching me out of the corner of his eye. Kelly will probably be awake already when we return; she always was an early riser, even as a kid.

Sure enough, when we walked back into the room that the Lion Claw Pride was currently sharing Kelly was sitting on her bed, a book in her lap already dressed and ready for the day. She looked up as we approached and smiled.

"It took you two long enough!" She laughed and nodded at our hands.

I flushed and glared at her. Kelly just laughed harder at the expression on River's face. His mouth had dropped open as if in shock and his eyes were wide.

"What us?" He teased lightly. I smiled at them as they joked with each other while I gently woke the rest of our friends. I'm so grateful that they accepted each other so quickly, they'll make great friends.

I shoved her lightly with my shoulder and met her eyes, a teasing glint in mine. "Oh? And how long did it take you to admit that you and Timothy liked each other?"

Kelly blushed and glared at me. I met her gaze and grinned. Kelly's fierce look melted off her face like ice in the sun, a grin taking it's place. "Think they'll feed us something good today for breakfast?" She asked.

I shrugged. "Probably. They make pretty good food here." I grinned at her slyly. "Wanna race and see if they are?"

Kelly smirked at me. "Are you sure you can keep up? Did following instead of leading soften you up on me?"

I gripped my chest, right above my heart, and gasped mockingly. "You've wounded me!" I laughed as Kelly made a funny face at me.

"Yep, you've definitely gone soft." Kelly winked at me and took off racing out the open door and into the hallway.

My mouth dropped open in shock and River nudged me lightly. "If you want to beat her I highly suggest you start running now."

I shook myself out of my stupor and crouched down, shifting so that I could gain speed on Kelly before racing out the door after her. I dashed through the hallways, paws slipping occasionally on the hard wood surface of the floor. It'll be easier going once I get onto the carpet, more traction.

Kelly stumbled in shock as I flashed past her and let out a yowl of satisfaction. Several members of the Bear Claw Pack were awake now and scrambled out of my path when they saw me haring down the halls.

I heard a couple of them laugh as I passed, most of them know Kelly and I well enough by now to know to expect this sort of behavior. As I passed Laura I heard her burst out laughing and call after Kelly as she ran past, "Good luck! I think you'll need it!"

I leaped into the air joyful and let out a yowl of triumph as I reached the door to the cafeteria. Kelly ran up panting. She bent over and clutched her side gasping for air. "Have you gotten faster?" She panted as I shifted back again.

"Nope, you've gotten slower." I teased. "It must be 'cause of your old age."

Kelly gasped in mock hurt. "Well now that's just plain rude. You should really respect your elders you know."

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