Chapter 13

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I glanced anxiously at River as we entered the doors that led to the Bear Claw Pack's camp. Kelly and Holly had no problem with the others joining the clan, but how am I supposed to know if everyone else will? What if no one ever accepts them because they were rogues?

Kelly smiled at me reassuringly as she led us to the infirmary. She knows what I'm thinking, I know she does. She always does. It doesn't even matter how far apart we are.

Kelly stopped to speak to a nearby werewolf as Holly continued to lead us on through the building. She leaned over and whispered something in his ear and nodded to us briefly before looking back at him. He nodded once and took off.

I cocked my head to the side.

'I asked him to retrieve the other alphas and betas so that you can tell all of us your story together and then we can all decide what to do about the rogues.' Kelly told me. It feels good to use our mind link again.

'Thank you, for not questioning them. I would have understood if you'd questioned it.' I responded.

'Nonsense. You're my leader, whatever you think is best for the clan, I think is best for the clan. You know that.' Kelly scolded me lightly.

'I've missed you.' I said softly.

'I missed you too, but now we're together again, we can lead our clan to see brighter days. We can rid our home of the rogues that invaded.' Kelly flushed a little. 'And there's something you should probably know...'

I grinned at her. 'You asked Timothy to join the clan didn't you?'

Kelly gaped at me. 'How did you guess that so quickly?!'

I snorted and everyone except Kelly looked at me with confusion. "I'm your best friend you moron, you can't keep stuff like that from me without me knowing it." I laughed as Kelly flushed again and everyone, with the exception of Holly who was shaking her head and laughing, looked more confused than ever.

"Would you two quit using your mind link to communicate?" Holly snapped playfully. "Or at least let the rest of us in on what's so funny."

Kelly slapped my arm mockingly. "Nothing's funny, she's just making fun of me."

I made a face of mock hurt and pouted at her. "But I haven't been able to make fun of you for months I have a lot of pent up teasing to release."

River snorted. "No you don't, you've been using it all on me." I turned to look at him but the teasing glint in his eyes gave him away. I shoved his shoulder lightly.

"Don't worry, you're a moron too." I told him jokingly.

Kelly gasped mockingly and gripped her heart. "You've replaced me as your number one moron?!" She burst out laughing and I joined in.

"You're all morons in my opinion." Holly grumbled, though at least her tone is good natured so there's no hard feelings.

"Please," Kelly teased lightly. "You know you love me."

"You're right, who couldn't love that adorable face." I teased and cupped her cheeks with my hands. "I mean, look at these cheeks!"

Holly burst out laughing as Kelly batted my hands away. Then she stopped just outside the door labeled "INFIRMARY". The talking and joking had gotten us all the way to the medic's without us even realizing it. I thought we'd have a little longer before we had to face reality again.

Holly pushed the door open and held it so that Kelly could lead the rest of us in. I thanked Holly quietly as I passed her and she lightly put a hand on my shoulder.

The True Alpha {2}حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن