Chapter 4

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"Why won't you leave me alone?" I complained. 

"Look, I'm just tryin' to do my job here. If its about throwing you around earlier... I got carried away. You just look so...toss-able that I wanted to give it a go. But if its any help, I got in big trouble for that," Speel said. 

I'm guessing this was an attempt to apologize. Toss-able is not a compliment I want to hear. All of that won't be easily forgiven. She almost killed me. Tho I must admit, I do think I look like a rag doll sometimes. I'm rather clumsy and and slouch when I'm bored. I'm weak and flimsy looking, much like a doll. Still... its no excuse. 

"Trouble? Who exactly are you doing this for?" I asked her. Speel had arranged her lips and her eyes around the monochrome window of my empty hospital room. I was looking out into the dark nothingness, avoiding looking at her eyes as much as I could. 

"Yeah...I can't tell you that. Boss will tell 'ya when she wants to."

"Ah, so your boss is a she?" I ask prying to get her to spill any information. Who in the spirit world is so interested in watching me?

"Yup, and that's all your gonna get," she replied. 

"And the frequency of these visits..."

"When you find your mind entering the spirit world I won't be far behind," she explained. 

"Yes, but I've been going back and forth so randomly. Normally..."

"Normally its when you go in a trance, I get it. It's not my fault your body's changin'. You'll figure it out." There is a loud bang. Like a human fist on a wall. Or something falling on the floor. All of Speel's eyes darted to the sound, wide and fearful.  "I gotta go!" she said. With a puff of smoke she was gone. And it was just a window in front of me. 

I lean back into the window still. These trips to the spirit world are random. At first I just though I come here when Sage puts me in a trance, or if my mind is restless when I sleep. Or when I'm dreaming and find things are a little more tangible then just a dream. When I first entered I was just nine years old, and thought I was having a nightmare. Turns out I was a comatose for almost two days. Me, just wandering a grey world that's a copy of the real one. Any child would be confused. Navigating back is never a problem for me, at least not anymore. Most of the time I just will myself awake, or call upon the elements to bring me back. With that in mind, I should probably go back. I close my eyes and take a deep breath. I think of being back in my room. Back in my room. Back in my room.

I'm greeted with the darkness that is the back of my eyelids. And the foreboding sense of doom in my chest. Yes, I'm back. I open my eyes. Kai is looking at some pictures on a light board with Dr. Stevens. He points to each part on the picture and talks about it a little. Kai stands there and nods concerned. 

"As you see here, these lights are signaling normal activity. But here, the lights are a bit smaller," the Doctor explains.

"So, what part of her brain is this?" Kai asks. 

"This is her frontal lobe, now more specifically we are looking at her Broca's area which is on the left. This area is vital to moving the lips and tongue to make speech. Now, she is still able read and understand speech, but it looks like the potion did some mild damage here. With regular therapy and medication she will make a full recovery." 

I yelped! My brain? That stuff damaged my brain! Both of them turned. Kai's expression quickly changed. He gave a cheerful wave.

"Hey Kiddo, they did your scan while you were asleep. Check out how big your brain is." He points to the pictures on the light board. I look at the clock. 8:4- something. That was a long winded nap. 

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