Final Chapter

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-JOE'S POV- I woke up to the sound of machines and a nurse writing on a clipboard. I saw my mom standing over me. "Mom? Wha-what happened?" I tried to sit up but it hurt too much. "you got stabbed honey." I sighed. Quickly I realized someone wasn't in the room. "where's demi?" I was concerned. I blacked out after I was stabbed so who was there I protect demi? I heard her sigh. "she was stabbed too, joesph. I'm sorry." I didn't want to believe it. I shook my head in disbelief. "no.." I tried to get up again but the nurse quickly put an end to that. "you can't be moving just yet, sir." I sighed. "when can I see her? Is she okay?" I couldn't help but ask. I just wanted to see her beautiful face again. Smiling and laughing.

-3 days later- I was sitting outside in the waiting room. I just wanted to see her. Finally a nurse walked out letting me know it was okay to see her now. I walked into Demi's hospital room. I saw her lying on the bed. I smiled. She looked up and saw me standing there. "joe.." she whispered. I rushed over to her and hugged her. Not too hard because I knew she was still fragile. I kissed her like I'd never kissed her before. She wrapped her arms around me and pulled away from the kiss. She smiled. "what?" I asked her. "you're here." she said as she rested her head on my chest. I smiled and kissed her head. "I'm always here."


Tell me what you thought of the story! I don't normally write suspensful things like this but it was honestly so much fun! :) hope you guys liked it! 

ALSO: follow me on instagram for more Jemi Fanfics! I forgot about wattpad for a while and mostly wrote just on there but im gonna try to do both. @itskindofacutestory 

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