Chapter 1: A Year To The Day

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Rose's POV

A year . . . one whole year today was the day I regained my freedom . . . the day Noah Valentini died and I could come home, see my family again, not have to go back to that house. I sat on my bed and cradled my little sister in my arms, she was fast out and I wanted it to stay like that, I could see mom and dad exhausted, must be their old age but they were struggling and me and Ollie both took shifts at looking after Rayne. I rubbed her little toes and fingers, she grasped onto my finger with her palm as I did this, a broad smile spread across my face, as I watched her sleep, I walked her through to the nursery and placed her gently to the crib, she rolled a bit and then lay there asleep, I walked up and shut the door and headed back to my room. I sat on the bed and looked at a picture of me and Noah on my phone. . . Why I had it there I had no clue. I hated the man, but I found comfort in his image. I turned my phone off and sauntered downstairs, I passed the living room where Ollie was playing on the X Box with his friend Pete. I crept up behind Ollie and pinched the back of his neck, he shot up and looked back at me saying

"For fucks sake Rose."

"LANGUAGE MISTER!" Mom bellowed from behind me, I laughed and quietly whispered to him

"Busted." I elongated the phrase and then walked off into the kitchen, I could hear mom scolding Ollie and I couldn't hold it in anymore I keeled over laughing, I clutched my sides and tried to regain control over my body and managed to stifle the laughter into small quieter giggles. I walked over to the kettle still slightly laughing and turned it on and placed the coffee granules and sugar in my mug. I was waiting for the kettle to boil mom entered the room and quietly said

"How are you Rose?"

"Fine. Why?" I responded I looked over at her, her expression held pity and worry, I walked up towards her and hugged her tightly saying

"Don't worry about me mom. I'm okay."

"Its just its a year today since Noah was killed." My face slightly dropped and then I responded

"But a year to the day I was free to come home." I smiled tight lipped and she them placed her hand on my cheek as a stray tear escaped the corner of my eye.

"Its okay to miss him, you know, you spent a lot of time with him." I pulled away from her hug and said

"Coffee?" she nodded and I made two cups, I took them over to the table where we both sat down and made small talk for a while and then mom said

"Oh Rose you uncles and Eva are coming over tomorrow they are staying the week, so you have no baby duties." I laughed and then said

"I can't wait its been ages since I have seen them." I kissed her cheek and then continued "I'm sorry mom but I have to train with dad now. . . see you later."

"That man and training, never gives it a rest does he. Anyway see you later Rosie." She gives me a small smile and then I walk up to the office. I open the door quietly and see dad asleep on his desk, I stifle a laugh and quietly meander over next to him, I lean down and whisper shout in his ear

"MOMS BEEN KIDNAPPED AGAIN!" he bolts upright and then rubs a hand over his face saying

"God no not again." I was in fits of uncontrollable laughter, he looked at me confused and then caught on, his gaze was angered, but he then began to laugh

"Don't ever do that again." He stifled through laughs.

"Why? It was hilarious." I stated and he then said

"Okay training NOW!" We walked down to the gym via the kitchen for dad to get some coffee and make out with mom, they always do this, I want to say I am used to it but its is more disgusting and cringe worthy each time. Whilst they were practically fucking in the kitchen, I walked ahead to the gym and began to take out my frustration on the punching bag. after about 10 minutes of that dad came into the room with Paulie.

"Okay Rose we are going to do some work on your hand to hand combat and then a bit on your gun work and then finally knife work." Dad said and we did as he said, we were training for a good 6 hours, it was now 7 and I was sitting in the living room with Ollie, we were watching TV and talking about school, he was telling me that since he went to secondary school, he had become more popular, I gave him the old don't let it get you your head speech. There was a knock at the door and I went to go answer it, Marco stood there, we had only just started dating, and dad didn't like that I was dating a gang member, but I then reminded him of Noah and he who's name should not be spoken and he soon warmed up to the idea. I looked back at Marco who was holding a small bouquet of flowers, I quickly invited him in and shut the door. I brought him into the living room and sat him on the sofa. I quickly walked through to the kitchen and took a vase out of the cupboard and placed the flowers in it with some water, I walked back through with them and placed them on the sideboard next to the sofa. I watched as Ollie was acting like a protective father, I laughed and Ollie looked over at me and then said

"Rosie, do you really want to date. . . " He placed his hands in a position as if showing him to a customer "This man." I nodded and then sharply responded with

"Ollie your acting like dad now calm down he is not like . . . " I looked down at my feet and Ollie caught on

"Who?" Marco asked and Ollie got protective again

"If she doesn't want to tell you she doesn't have to!" I shot Ollie a thankful look but then said

"It doesn't matter they are both dead."

"What?!" he responded confused, I think this is scaring him off so I better explain

"My dad killed one for well this" I turned around and moved my hair away from the scar Ollie looked at me in shock, he had never seen the scar before, an anguished expression spread across Marco's face as I then continued pulling my hair back over it "And the other, well he was the one that kidnapped me forced me to marry him and then he was shot by the Bravata and killed." Marco's shocked expression gradually wore off and he then commented

"I better always be wearing my bullet proof vest then." We both laughed until I heard dad bellow

"You better Marco, you hurt my daughter in anyway and remember how me and my wife tortured the Swedish leader."

"Yes boss." he commented slightly scared.

"Well you'd be looking at that plus a couple of my daughters own design." Dad shot me an evil smirk and I laughed.

"Lets not forget Ari." Ollie commented and I again laughed.

"And Uncle Danny." I added and we all laughed , well everyone but Marco, he looked like he was about to shit himself, which was dads aim I guess. I sat down in between him and Ollie and I kissed his cheek

"We're only joking. . . a bit." I commented and he calmed down until he then said as his voice broke

"A BIT?" I nodded

"My dad does not make threats. He makes promises." I depend my voice slightly to make it more intimidating he looked like a scared puppy. I rubbed his back softly and he began to calm down. Ollie had headed up to his room because he was getting bored, and it was just me and Marco. A Cheshire cat grin appeared on Marco's lips, he slowly turned me to face him. I smiled and he attacked my lips with his, it was weird, the first time I had been kissed in a year, there were no sparks like Noah, why am I even thinking about him HE IS DEAD! I can't dwell on the past, I have to give Marco my attention. I continued to kiss him following everything he did, he pulled away breathless and I sat there, we continued to talk for another hour before he headed home and I wandered up to bed, I slowly fell asleep, and had my regular occurring dream, I was in the garden, and walked up to the body, blood spread around my feet and I turned it over and Noah lay there, except he was not dead he slowly choked out, blood spilling from his lips as he slowly said the pain evident on his face

"I love you Rose."

"I love you too Noah don't leave me!" I cried out as took his last breath, tears streamed down my face. I was coaxed out of my nightmare by mom who rubbed my arm softly saying

"Rose its okay its just us." My eyes shot open, I was covered in a cold sweat and tears stained my face, mom and dad pulled me into their arms as tears streaked down my face, I slowly calmed down as dad stated slowly

"Rose sweetie this has been happening to often honey I think you need to see a therapist again."


(Word count: 1658)

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