9. A New Friend

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(Short chapter, slowly trying to get back into writing these, I'm sorry D: )

"I- are you sure you counted that right?" You double- no, triple! No... You quintuple checked with Banshee-44, sliding him another bundle of gunsmith materials. "That has to be enough." You said with a sigh, impatiently tapping the table he worked at. "Hmmm.." Banshee grumbled in his raspy tone, starting to point at the gunsmith materials. "...One... Two... *ahhherm* Ergh. Sorry. Three... four..." You groaned, dropping your hands to your sides. "I'll come back later, I needa get things done." You claimed, putting on a fake smile and walking to the landing area. You felt pretty organized. You had the armor you wanted, with the shader you wanted, even your Ghost got a new shell and he was proud to show it off. "Where to today, Guardian?" Your Ghost asked, appearing and flying circles around you as you marched to your ship. "We've got some bounties to do on Titan." You say confidently, before relocating into your ship.

Titan. Nothing but water, rusty metal, and a creepy sea creature beneath the waves. After your transmation from your ship to the surface of Titan, you inhaled, letting out a loooong exhale. "Alright, let's get started then." You mumbled. You took out your (Kinetic Weapon of Choice), your (Energy Weapon of Choice), and carried your
(Power Weapon of Choice, Sword this time!)

After mashing your way through a couple of bounties, you sat at one of the landing platforms in Titan. Sitting on the grated metal, you swung your legs back and forth, staring down into the water. "Have you heard from Cayde-6?" Your Ghost asked out of the blue, appearing and flying over the water to face you. "Cayde-6?" A robotic, female voice asked from behind you. You turned around to see a sparrow go flying off into the water. "Whoops, I coulda killed myself right then n' there." Another Hunter landed in heavy boots,  stood behind you, and a Warlock pulled up on a sparrow not long after. You stood and faced the hunter, who wore a vibrant blue and red armor set, a long silky cloak and a Celestial Nighthawk helmet. "Y-yeah, Cayde." You responded, your face heating up under your helmet. (I uh... If you're an Exo, just... figure that out. Don't overheat, that's probably bad!!!)  Everybody knew Cayde-6. Everybody. But do you know what they didn't know? About you and Cayde-6. "He left the Traveler without a trace this morning." The hunter said, twirling a knife and standing near the edge. Spiky fins scaled the surface of the water, and the Warlock shrieked. "WHAT IS THAT?" She yelled, jumping back and almost tripping over her robe. The hunter turned around slowly to her companion. "Are you serious? You... you never saw that thing?" She stopped flipping the knife and the Warlock chuckled nervously. "What's your name?" The Warlock asked you, quickly changing the topic. "My name is (Y/N). What about you two?" You said kindly with a smile that couldn't exactly be seen. "I'm Vaniri." The Warlock said, shooting out a hand and you shook it. "Call me Frosty." The hunter replied, still staring out into the water. "So you guys know where Cayde is?" You asked, looking down into the splashing waves as well. "Nah, nobody does." Frosty replied, before freezing, and slowly turning back. She whipped a Breakneck off of her back, taking out a chunk of Fallen that had attempted to shove the three Guardians into the sea far below. Frosty scoffed, placing her auto rifle on her back and turning back to you. "Anyway, what makes you need to see Cayde that bad? Everyone knows he tends to vanish from the Tower whenever he pleases." Frosty said and you flinched, nervously folding your arms. "N-nothing important, j-just had a message for hi-" "You're stuttering." Frosty pointed out blandly and you sighed. "Well you see, um... In case you're crazy over him-" Frosty let out an unexpected little "hehehe" sort of laugh. "Ah, you've got the hots for him, is that it?" She asked, popping her hands on her hips, her mood COMPLETELY changing. Vaniri just looked confused. "Well, it's sort of like that..." You said, and before you could turn back to face the other Guardians, Frosty hopped forward and perched next to you. Her feet were hardly on the brim of the metal, her elbows resting on her knees. "I'm interested." She said, nudging you and you felt your face heat up as you inhaled.

You felt like you could trust Frosty, so this would be an interesting friendship. Well, after an interesting story.

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