6: The Dawning Festival

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You yawned loudly, sitting up in bed and stretching your arms up into the air. It was just the beginning of winter, and you were ready to spend the whole season the best way you could. You stood up and waddled over to your window, when you noticed a ship outside of your small cabin. Leaning against the massive aircraft was a blonde haired girl who seemed like a pilot. But as soon as you began wondering who she was, you realized that there was snow sprinkling from the sky. You got dressed, threw on your cloak, and walked outside curiously to see what was going on.
The girl lit up as she spotted you walking out into the somewhat cold atmosphere. "Hey, you must be (Y/N)!" She said, energetically walking over to greet you. You shook her hand, and she introduced herself. Her name was Amanda, and she seemed to be an acquaintance  of the three vanguard leaders. "I was sent to pick you up, and bring you to the Tower this morning!" She said, leading you over to her ship. "Dawning?" You started tilting your head. "I'm guessing it's a festival celebrating-" "The Light!" Amanda interrupted excitedly, opening her ship. You laughed, and both of you stepped in.
You were eager to arrive at the Tower. It would be your first time visiting - Ever! "So (Y/N), how have you adapted to Zavala n' Ikora and Cayde-6?" A pleasant chill ran down your back as you recalled the previous night. "G-great! Awesome. Wonderful." You stuttered. Amanda shrugged, departing as you and her grew closer to the tower.
You stepped out of the ship, looking up to see the most beautiful place you've ever seen. The Tower. There were Dawning banners casted upon every corner, and astonishing lanterns hovering up into the air as all kinds of people released them and admired their beautiful aura. The floor of the Tower was powdered in chunky white snow and frost. Guardians of all sorts ran about, hurling and tossing heavy snowballs at eachother. You laughed, running out into the main area as a thick, flaky snowball hit you smack-dab in the center of your cheek. You snapped your head left, and your day got even better as you saw Cayde standing on a few metal crates, preparing to toss another snowball as he bounced it up and down in his hand. "Cayde!" You giggled, running towards the exo. He expanded his arms, lifting you off of the ground and swinging you in a few circles as you wrapped the tail of his cloak around his neck. The two of you giggled as he put you back down. You stepped back and looked up at the sky. "The dawning is so beautiful... " You said, admiring the snowflakes as they fluttered to the ground of the frosted Tower. After a moment of silence, you turned around and realized that Cayde wasn't there. "Cayde?" You called out, looking around for him. A snowball came flying in your direction and you ducked just in time. You looked up and at that moment, saw another one flying towards you. This time it hit you in the shoulder! You ran to the nearest crate, sliding behind it. Luckily, you had ran into a pile of snow, so you began preparing your weapons. As you balled up chunks of snow, you could hear other guardians getting attacked by the snow nearby. You peeked out from the crate, and for a split second, you could see Cayde walking nearby gripping onto a snowball. You smirked, grabbing the biggest snowball you could make and hurling it towards him. It bashed him in the face, causing him to topple over onto the ground. You laughed quietly, crouching back behind the crate. You knew he'd soon search for you, so you decided to sneak behind a nearby banner. As you dashed over, keeping your head low, you could see Cayde brushing off the snow and looking around. Hence the fact you weren't watching where you were going, you slipped over a thin sheet of ice. Trying to keep your balance yet revealing your position, you wobbled back and forth a few times. Just as you thought you were balanced, you slipped back and landed hard on your behind. (Can you guess the emote that you just did?) Cayde looked over, laughed loudly as you stood up and brushed yourself clean of frost. "Hey!" You yelled at him, then you jumped up on a crate, perching yourself as you clutched a fresh snowball. Opposing from you, many feet away, Cayde did the same. In sync, you leapt higher than you ever knew you could, as did Cayde, and you both threw your snowballs at full velocity! The snowballs collided with a huge explosion of frost. After you both landed- Well, when Cayde landed and you hit the ground and tumbled literally onto his feet- you looked up and there were thousands more beautiful snowflakes and tiny particles of frost gliding down to the ground. Cayde looked down at you and laughed, poking your side with the toe of his shoe. You giggled, rolling over and looking up at him. He offered his hands. As you took them, he swung you onto his back and gave you a calm and slow piggyback ride around the Tower. Some other female Guardians gave you a dirty look. Zavala and Shaxx looked straight confused. And Ikora gave that "I saw it all coming" kind of smirk. During the piggyback stroll, you warmly wrapped your arms around Cayde's neck and leaned to kiss his cheek. He let out a happy sigh and looked at you from the corner of his eyes. You stared into his bright blue eyes and smiled.
The two of you continued your relaxing afternoon, Cayde whistling tunes of Christmas songs and you, singing the words.

Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays, Seasons Greetings from ReaperCakes!❤🎄

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