Chapter 27

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Chapter 27

I felt guilty as hell and so wrong but that didn’t stop me. I parked a street over and walked to the restaurant; it was more of an outdoor kinda place with tables more outside then in. I spotted mom sitting at one of the outdoor tables, there was a slight crowd, she blended in and no one question her presence, except me.

I wore a hat and sat at a table way across from her but with still a clear shot to see who her mystery guess was. “Hey little lady.” I looked up and found Jorge, my info giving cop eating a big sandwich.

“How’d you know it was me?” I thought I was doing good at the disguise game. 

“I saw you come in. The hat helps but you look the same when you stand up.” I didn’t question how he knew what I looked like well enough to pick me out with even a disguise, it was pretty disturbing. “So who you hiding from?” he asked and saved me from having to question his earlier statement farther.

 “Sit before you draw attention. I’m just trying to find something out.” I held the menu slightly up and hid my face on my mother’s side. “What are you doing here?”

“Eating.” Duh.

“Look, don’t tell anyone you saw me and whatever you do don’t tell Zack.” Yup here I go again; lying. Ok, I wasn’t lying because he didn’t know anything about this and I didn’t want him to. I guess its considered a white lie, lying without omission? Something like that.

“Yeah you got it babe, just don’t do anything stupid.” Jorge warned before leaving.

Stupid? Me? No, that’ll never happen.  I sighed and looked at my mom’s table then looked at my watch, it was noon on the dot. Ok mystery guess show up already, I had no patience for this. The curiosity was killing me.

The guest finally joined my mother at her table. That bastard was always on time after all. It did piss me off that Joey and my mother were having secret meeting. What was so bad about me? I can be a big help! I wished I could hear what they were saying but they were too far and too careful to be overheard.  It was a relief though to see mom wasn’t cheating but she wasn’t the cheating type either, I didn’t know who I was expecting but I didn’t think Joey which now seemed like the obvious choice.

I put the menu down and eased out of my chair after watching them for a few minutes. I left the restaurant area and headed back to my car. But I spotted Joey’s car a few down; I guess he wanted to be out of sight too.

I got an idea, it might be considered wrong but I never let that stop me, hell look where I was at. I snuck into the back of Joey’s SUV and hid there until he returned. “I wouldn’t have pegged you for the type to leave your car unlocked.”

Joey turned around and found me in his back seat. He sighed and was clearly annoyed. “What are you doing here?”

“Well I heard my mother on the phone, I got curious and followed her here and found you to be the person she was meeting. I know you guys are hiding something and it pisses me off because I’ve been involved from the start risking jobs and relationships to help your ass. The least you could do is fucking tell me what’s going on.” I sat up and climbed into the passenger seat.

“Huh, you are pissed.” Joey just flatly said in reaction to my cursing, not caring at all about the rest of what I said.

“That’s it, I’m going to kill you right now. Or I could turn you in, that’ll be easier.”

“You wouldn’t.”

“No I would, I really would so I’d start talking now.” I crossed my arms, my temper not getting any better. The thought of Joey getting arrested was very appealing at the moment.

He turned in his seat and faced me. “You’re stuck here with me right now, all alone. Do you really think I’d let you leave or make the call to turn me in?”

“I hate you.”


“Why now? Why not can’t you tell me what’s going on?” I couldn’t pull off the threatening tough girl role and make him tell me what I wanted so now I tried just getting whatever I could out of his annoying ass. Mom was next, she better tell me something.

“You have a big mouth.”

 “What? That’s why you aren’t telling me shit? What the hell does that mean?” I expected something else, like it’s safe not to know or something but not that. Damn he was not making this any better.

“You’re dating a cop and cops would be the last thing we need involved in this.”

“Oh bullshit. This is all bullshit. You know what I think? I think you know who Elena was talking about last night with the family who raised her. And now you and mom were talking about it to see the reason they had her. I know you guys want to find out why they made mom and Art believe Elena was dead and that ties to who killed Art now. I already know all of that, you would think you’d want all the help you can get but for some reason I can’t figure out you and my mom don’t want me involved.”

“Sam, you can be so smart and so stupid at the same time.”

“Wow, thanks for the complement.”

“Sam, if you start asking questions that puts you at risk. Your apartment already burned down and she doesn’t want you involved, respect that.” Joey explained, Mr. Insightful when it came to my mother.

“I don’t want to.” Yeah sounded very mature there Sam. ”What do I have to do to get you to tell me?”

“It’s not up to me. Everything you want to know, your mother knows.”

“While this has been so much fun, I have to go, and remember you involved me in this from the start. Next time climb in someone else’s window!” I left the car but I swear I heard him laughing. I started to miss the days I didn’t see him.

Nikki was a much better boss than me, I knew she wouldn’t mind if I was later than I said. I drove home, I knew mom went home after her meeting with Joey because it was lunch time, she always made lunch for her and dad.

Her car was in the drive way, dad’s too, but when I went inside it was silent, not a sound. “Mami!” I called out. “Papi!” Still nothing. I left the living room and headed upstairs. I knocked on my parent’s bedroom and listened, no answer and no sound.

I opened the door and found my father knocked out on the floor.

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