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!Trigger Warning!

You were always a victim of bullying. You were always laughed at, called names and pushed around. So much that you would sometimes come home with black eyes and dark purple bruises. You always tried your best to avoid the bullies as best as possible.

As the bell rang, you ran as quickly as you could to your locker.

Quick! Remember...right...4...left...20...right...36... and Bingo!

Your locker was open and you began grabbing things as fast as you could. You knew they would be coming for you. Before and after school was there favorite time to attack. As you finished grabbing your last book your locker slammed shut. You looked to your right to find the leader of the group.


You turned around and found yourself surrounded by the rest of his group, Donovan, Chris, Marcus and Leon. "Look boys. It's Y/N." John leaned in and pressed his body against your arm, his lips right by your ears. He whispered and you flinched as he spoke. "You're going to enjoy today Y/N. Do you want to know why?"

A shiver ran down your spine and you didn't want to find out. "No? You scared?" He pulled his head away from your ear so he could see your reaction. You were crying and his gang laughed. You took a moment to look around at them. They all smelled of cigarettes or weed and they were defiantly on something.

John spoke again. "Boy's what to you say we take this out back?" They all nodded their heads and agreed. What were they going to do to you today? Hit you? Cut you? You didn't know but you knew it was going to hurt.

Donovan grabbed you by the wrist and dragged you outside and behind the school where he threw you against the brick wall and the boys laughed as they stood around you. "So boy's have we all decided who goes first?" John asked. "We agreed that you should go first, John. And depending on what happens we'll go next." Marcus said.

You kept your back to the wall and you watched them carefully. "Alright." John turned to you and pulled out his infamous pocket knife, switching it open. He grabbed you by the shirt and evilly grinned into your eyes. He trailed his knife down your shirt fabric, and cut open the front of your tee shirt.

You soon realized what was going to happen. You went to scream for help but he covered your mouth and began carving the word SLAVE into your stomach. Your screams were muffled through his hands. His boys watched and seemed satisfied. You were helpless and tears streamed down your face.

John dropped the knife and let go of you, but placed his hands on both sides of you, against the wall. "Take off your pants." You hesitated before you shakily reached down to your pants button. You were about to undo your pants when you were stopped. 

"Hey! What are you doing?!" Everyone's head's turned. Even yours. It was Ethan, the Schools smartest and most popular student sense the first grade. "Well boys. Looks like we have a visitor." John moved away from you and you weakly fell to the pavement. Ethan could finally see what they had done to you and went pale.

"You leave here alone." Ethan growled. "And what are you going to do about it?" John asked, getting up into his face. "I'll beat your druggie ass into a pulp." Ethan grit his teeth. They laughed at him. You quickly pulled out your phone and dialed 911. When the officer picked up you didn't say anything but you left the call open, hoping they would come and investigate.

"You think that you can stop us? Were stronger than you!" John laughed. "You might be but you don't have steel rings." Ethan grinned.


Ethan punched John in the face and John fell to the floor. In panic, his crew picked him back up and all of them ran off. As soon as Ethan knew they were gone, he ran to your aid.

"Y/N?" He looked at you and frowned in worry. "Ethan...Thank you." You cried. "Can I?" Ethan slowly reached for your shirt. You were nervous when he moved for it but you nodded. Ethan took the remainder of your shirt off of you and carefully tied it around your wound. 

"Ethan..?" He looked you in the eyes. "I-I called the cops..." He nodded and helped you on your feet. He took off his Letterman jacket and let you wear it like a shirt over your topless body. He gently took you to the front of the school where he set you on the bench and sat next to you holding you close and making sure he wasn't hurting you.

"E-Ethan...?" You blushed. "Yeah?" He looked at you with a comforting smile. "Thank you." You looked down with a blush. "Your welcome Y/N. I'm never going to let this happen to you again okay?" Ethan looked into your eyes. 

You frowned. "But how...? We don't even have the same classes together and were not even in the same social groups..." You looked at him. "Well you do realize that when I say that I'm being honest right?" You nodded. "And you'll believe me when I tell you I've had a crush on you sense the first grade right?"

You looked at Ethan shocked. But you believed him. "Ethan-?" He kissed you. You couldn't remember what you were going to say. But it was in that instance that you knew Ethan was your's. Your soulmate. The one you were going to spend the rest of your life with.

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