Erika: *whispers* Good luck?

Jake: *whispers* I don't know what I'm supposed to say!


Jake and I are sitting in the courtroom. Everyone's chatting before the judge comes in. I'm sitting on the isle, Jake sits next to me, then Pam and Greg then Chloe are sitting next to Jake. Jake has his hand on my thigh and my hand is on top of his. The judge walks in and sits down. She bangs her thingy.

Judge: My name is Judge Myers. Today we are here for Paul vs Violet for custody of their son Zachary Mason Paul. Let's get right into this. Let's start with Mr Paul. Mr Paul when did you and Miss Violet end your relationship?

Logan: Quite a few weeks ago.

Judge: Who has been taking care of Zachary?

Logan: Myself.

Judge: When was the last time Miss Violet saw Zachary?

Logan: The last time she saw Zach would of been an hour or two before we broke up when she put him down for a nap.

Judge: Why were you left with Zach?

Logan: Well she told me that she was leaving for a while and I asked her about Zach she said his sleeping so he'll stay here.

Judge: Okay. Are you in a relationship now Mr Paul?

Logan: Yes.

Judge: Has Zach been around her?

Logan: Yes.

Judge: Miss Violet are you currently in a relationship?

Alissa: Yes.

Judge: Has Zach ever meet this guy?

Alissa: No.

Judge: Okay. Miss Violet what is the reasoning of not seeing your son in over a month?

Alissa: Well I went back to my hometown for week and then when I came back I moved in with my friends and I've been settling in.

Judge: Do you have anything to say about that Mr Paul?

Logan: She did go back to Ohio for a little less then a week then she came back to LA moved in with a group of people and has been partying almost every night since then.

Judge: is this true Miss Violet?

Alissa: I wouldn't call it partying.

Judge: How do you know this Mr Paul?

Logan: We are all big on social media. I get tagged in a lot of stuff she does.

They talk for a little longer.

Judge: I call Miss Erika Costell to the stand.

I take a deep breath. Jake smiles at me. I stand up and walk up to the stand. I have to promise I'll only tell the truth and stuff.

Judge: Miss Costell if I ask you straight up who do you think Zach would have a better life with?

I take a deep breath. My eyes water.

Erika: Mr Paul.

Judge: Why is that?

Erika: Look Alissa is a great mother from what I've seen... but to leave your child for over a month is not right. It doesn't matter if you FaceTime them once a week. It doesn't make it right. I've seen Logan with Zach and they're both so happy. *sniffs*

Judge: Do you have kids Miss Costell?

Erika: I have a three month old daughter.

Judge: Are you and her father together?

Erika: Yes.

I look at Jake. Judge Myers follows my gaze to Jake.

Judge: So you don't know what Miss Violet is going through?

Erika: No but I know that I love my daughter so much and to not see her for over a month would break my heart. I wouldn't be going out drinking and getting drunk.

Judge: What is your relation to Mr Paul and Miss Violet?

Erika: Me and Mr Paul have been friends for quite sometime. My boyfriend is his brother and Miss Violet and I have been best friends for over three years.

Judge: So you and Miss Violet are best friends?

Erika: Well this is the first time we've seen eachother in about 2 months or so.

Judge: Miss Costell do you believe Mr Paul's girlfriend is a good influence on Zach?

Erika: I strongly believe she is.

Judge: Mr Paul please state her name.

Logan: Chloe Bennet.

Judge: Mr Paul do you believe Miss Bennet is a good influence on your son?

Logan: Yes I do. She treats him like he is her own son.

The judge writes down a few things on her paper.

Judge: Thank you Miss Costell. I call Mr Jake Paul to the stand.

~ Later On in court... ~

Judge: I've come to my decision. Mr Paul will have full custody of Zachary Mason Paul. Miss Violet will have every other weekend with Zachary Mason Paul On Mr Paul's consent. She may have unsupervised time with Zach under Mr Paul's consent.

Alissa puts her hand in her head. Once the judge leaves and everyone settles down we stand up. We walk out of the court room into the entry. Logan walks over to us.

Logan: Thank You Guys.

He hugs me.

Jake: You don't seem that excited bro.

Logan: I guess I'm just kind of nervous.

Erika: We will always be here for you Logan.

Logan: Thanks guys.

Jake: of course bro!

Dani (Logans assistant) walks out of a room with Zach. She walks over to us.

Dani: Congrats Logan!

Logan: Thank You.

Dani passes Zach to Logan.

Logan: We did it little man!

Zach smiles. Alissa walks over to us.

Alissa: Logan?

Logan: Yeah.

Alissa: Could I talk to you for a minute?

Logan: Sure.

Jake, Dani and I walk away.

Logan's pov
Logan: Whats Up?

Alissa: I just wanted to say that I am truly sorry that I haven't been here for Zach.

I nod.

Alissa: I just wanted to know if we could start communicating for Zachs sake? From what I've seen you're happy with Chloe and I'm happy with Ricky.

I nod again.

Logan: I agree. We should start communicating. Also if you want to have Zach on a weekday just let me know and I'll try and work something out.

Alissa: Thank you Logan.

She kisses Zach cheek.

Alissa: Bye Baby. Bye Logan.

Logan: Bye

Alissa walks over to her friends and boyfriend and they leave. My family walks over to me.

Pam: Hey Zach!

She takes Zach from me and kisses his cheek.

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