Part 5

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I got to the L.A. hospital it was at least 1.30am and I saw all team 10 members and Logan in the waiting room. I went to the lady at the desk and asked her about Jake. She said he was out of surgery but would be here for a few weeks. She said he was awake and I could see him. As I was making my way to his room I saw Erika waking up.

Erika's POV

I woke up and saw Pam at the front desk, I waited for her to finish talking then went over to her.

Pam: Hi Erika, did I wake you?

Erika: Hi Pam, no you didn't wake me.

Pam: I'm going to go see Jake.

Erika: ohh ok

Pam: you can come if you want I know how close you guys are.

Erika: thanks

Pam and I start walking down the hall to Jakes room. I'm really nervous to see him.

Jakes POV

I remember opening my eyes and I hurt sooo bad everywhere. All I can remember is screaming and then gone, pitch black. I don't really know where I am. I started asking for help. 30 seconds later a Dr walked in. He said hi Mr Paul, I hope you're feeling better.

Jake: I just have one question

Dr: Yes go ahead.

Jake: Why am I here?

Dr: you don't remember? You were in a accident, your bike went flying across the road and you were hit by a car. But luckily the damage isn't too bad.

Jake: ohh okay. Also does Team 10 and my family know about me?

Dr: if by team 10 and family you mean a room full of people in the waiting room been here since 6:00 pm which it's now 1:40am, then Yes they do know.

After what the doctor all I could do was smile. I have the best friends and family ever.

Erika's POV

We got to room 106 and on the door it says Jake Paul. I looked Pam in the eyes and she said it's okay Erika. I feel like she knew about Me liking Jake. I thought maybe she knows because Jake likes me! I snapped out of that. I let Pam walk in first.

Pam's POV

Pam: Hi Jake

Jake: Mum!!

Pam: Erika came with me to see you, she's waiting in the hallway. Shall I let her in.

Jake: Yes 😊

Pam: oh Jake

Jake: yeah

Pam: ask the girl out already

Jake: ☺️

Jakes POV

After what my mum said I decided that as soon as I get out of hospital I'll ask Erika out. Erika walks inside. I felt so bad when I saw her, her makeup was all over her face. She had mascara dripping from her face as soon as she saw me.

Jake: Hi Erika

Erika: Hi Jake

Jake: If you were a DUDE, I'd still date you honey. (I love that is the vlogs 😂)

Erika: If you were a girl.

Pam: I'll leave you two alone.

Pam leaves

Erika walks over to me and try's to give me a gentle hug. She asked if it hurt I said no but tbh it hurt a little.

Jake: So Erika...

Erika: yeah?

Jake: Well I just wanted to tell you something..

Erika: yeah??😊

Jake: I like you, I don't mean as a friend I mean more then a friend.

Erika: I like more then a friend too Jake.

Jake got the strength to sit up and kiss Erika. It wasn't too long it wasn't to short, it was their perfect kiss. Erika pulled away as she heard a doctor coming.

Dr: Jake you should not be sitting up

Jake: but it doesn't hurt anymore.

Dr: well you need the rest, more rest sooner you go home. Sorry to inform you miss but you'll have to wait in the waiting room while we run some tests.

Erika: Sure, see you later Jake.

Jake: bye Rik

Erika's POV

I was walking back to the waiting room and most of team 10 was still asleep. I saw Pam had joined the party asleep in a chair. I realised that I still had Jakes phone in my pocket because I heard it ringing. I took air out and it said "DAD". I answered it.

Greg: hi who is this?

Erika: It's erika

Greg: hi Erika, just wondering do you think should come to the hospital tonight or wait until tomz?

Erika: well Jakes awake, but they have tests until tomz so probably tomorrow maybe 9am?

Greg: ok thanks

Erika: ok bye

Greg: bye.

I sit back down in my chair next to Tessa and Alissa and finally fall asleep.

Jerika - All We Need Is Love 🖤 *DISCONTINUED*Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon