Part 62 ~ She's here! 😍

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2 am ~

Erika's pov
My mom and Pam are asleep on the sofa and Jake is sleeping on the chair next to my bed. I've been awake for 20 minutes but I've been sleeping on and off all night! I've had contractions every-

Erika: Ahhhhh!

Jake: Rik!

Jake quickly jumps out of his chair. Pam and my mom wake up as well.

Jake: Erika you Okay?

Erika: contraction.

I breath through it squeezing Jakes hand. Once the pain stops I take a deep breath.

Jake: how long have you been awake?

Erika: 20 minutes

Jake: Why didn't you wake me up?

Erika: I wanted you to sleep!

Jake: Aww next time wake me.

Pam: I'm gonna go get some coffee.

Angel: I'll come! Jake do you want any?

Jake: Yes please!

They leave.

Jake: I'll get the doctor so they can check you!

Erika: Okay.

Jake walks out. I grab my phone and look through it.

Alissa calls me.

Erika: Hello?

Alissa: Hey Erika! You're up! I can't sleep. I really wanna be here for you through your labour. Do you mind if I come over? I'll be out before she's here!

Erika: Okay sure! I'm about to find out how dilated I am.

Alissa: Okay. I'll be there shortly.

Erika: k bye

Alissa: Bye

(End of call)

Jake walks in with my doctor.

Dr: Hey Erika, A nurse came to see you an hour or so ago but only your moms were up so she left.

Erika: Okay. I've been sleeping on and off.

Dr: completely normal! It should be very hard to sleep in labour! Anyway let's see how dilated you are.

The doctor checks how dilated I am.

Dr: You're at a 9! That is extremely great! I'll be back in 30 minutes but during then you need to be bouncing on your ball and moving around.

Erika: Yay! Thank you.

Dr: No problem! See y'all soon!

Jake: thanks!

He leaves.

Jake: Are you excited?!

Erika: I'm so nervous Jake.

Jake: Babe you can do it. There's nothing to be nervous about! Just think about that in a few hours we will be holding Olivia in our arms!

*knock knock*

Erika: Come in!

Alissa walks in.

Alissa: So how dilated are you?!

Erika: 9!

Alissa: Oh my god!


Erika's pov
Right now my mom and Pam are standing around us. Alissa is filming montages for us and Jake is standing infront on me holding my hips while my hands hold his neck. My head hangs low while I go through the millionth contraction I've had!

Jerika - All We Need Is Love 🖤 *DISCONTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now