Bellarke modern AU- Nurse Clarke

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"If none of you are in immediate danger you need to leave." She said professionally.

A boy exited the group.

He held out his arm.

It was heavily bruised, the bone protruding under his skin.

"I dunno does this look immediate to you?" He joked, grimacing.

Clarke was speechless.

"This way." She said quickly, leading the boy into a cubicle and shutting the curtain.

The other boys settled in the waiting room then.

Clarke watched as the boy sat on the hospital bed.

He was tall, and handsome, with brown curly hair and a crooked smile.

"Hi, there." He said, slurring his words.

"Hello." Clarke laughed.

"How did this happen?" She asked, moving forward.

She touched the boy's arm. He barely flinched, his face only contorting slightly.

Clarke looked up worriedly.

"You can't feel that?" She whispered.

The boy grinned.

"Nope. But it might have something to do with Miller's homemade moonshine." He chuckled.

"Miller is one of your friends?" She asked, placing his arm down softly.

Bellamy nodded, his head rocking back and forth as he did so.

"Exactly how much did you have to drink?" Clarke asked worriedly then.

She placed her fingers to the wrist on his good hand.

"I-uh- a few." He sighed, heavily.

"Wanna talk about it?" Clarke asked nonchalantly, bending Bellamy's arm again.

He cursed aloud.

"That hurt?" She asked, smiling.

"Glad to see you enjoy my pain." He chuckled, looking up at her.

Clarke looked into his eyes then. Deep brown, kind.

Clarke was reminded of another set of eyes, a man she once loved. Taken from her when she was much too young.

It was what inspired her to become a nurse. To save lives.

She was taken back, and suddenly she was holding Finn's limp hand, begging him to come back to her and knowing that he wouldn't.

Tears formed in her eyes.

"I'm going to get the doctor so we can do some xrays." She whispered, fleeing from the room.

The girl lent her head against the cool surface of the counter, tears running down her face.

"Clarke?" Jasper had a soft hand on her back.

The Slowest Burn - Bellarkeحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن