Ten Faced

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Character: Yuga (My Hero Academia)


Started with a "me" that was seen but never heard

She locked things in a heart broken by a love that broke her

Mind made up, she made up new sides and different kinds of

Me's all standing by, waiting in line for their debut!


Three, push it from your mind, deny that it's denial

Four, make sure you're not alone inside your head

Five, switch it up and never be yourself or else

Six, know that this is the only way to stay safe 

Seven, whatever happens stays in Vegas, don't remember

Eight, it's not like they even know they all exist

Nine, time just flew before they knew their party grew to

Ten, girls with one love all crammed inside my head

What does she have that I just don't inside?

Now all of us are in love with the same guy

Turned away, he told me to all my faces

One small phrase that barely makes sense

"Ah! It's all ten of you, not me. I'm just one guy here,

so who's it gonna be?"

Our ears were ringing a pounding beat

Can't let this fall apart, I think I've let this go too far

Be still my beating hearts

"Each time you come around, you're like a whole new face to me"

"It's not like a change of shoes but change of personalities"

"But I can't deny my heart that's pounding up and down for you"

"How easily it's beating to your tune"

"But I have to see you now and talk about all kinds of things"

"Like how I'd told at least one of you about my deal"

"I've got only one spot open in my heart so gotta choose"

"Now or we'll never get together, who will win or loose?"

You think I have a DID?

But you're standing there just smiling back at me?

Waking up and seeing they live inside

Not one but ten of me talking in my mind

Look side to side and found no lies

But why are we all here? And who am I?

Started with just one guy

One heart to catch with just me, myself, and I

So been there, done that, and end this tale

Well, all's well that ends well

Let's make a toast, laugh one last time

Now say goodbye and hello again

My old one faced "me" that's come back home!

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