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Character: Izuku (My Hero Academia)

So I cannot put my head to bed

'til I grab a hold of every thought I have and toss it right away

I cant take another day,

If I could only have another "me" to go on then

I'd be okay

I'll say that everything's alright, but then when all goes wrong would you take the fall

And take the blame?

Everything we know is all a farce, so when the world is broken will you take the fall

And take the blame?

Day or night, the voice I can't fight

"Don't don't don't try to hide"

I can't even control my instability

No amount to erase sanity

This meaning I can't define, sighing into dead air

But to me, can I see, wanna be, out and free

Is it a lie?

Just let me

Sink away, swept away

Into the current night of elusive day

Don't let me surface

Hold my head below and don't reach your hand to help me out, 'til the end

Add the taste of a lie, so sweet

So why do all the results of that recipe come out sour?

It all amounts to everyday I spend

Swaying left and right and trying to hold a smile

I seem to grow more bitter

There's no way I wanted all this

So I am holding on

I wanna be, I wanna be a part of a world that desires what I contribute

What I would say to them, loud and full of courage,

I won't wait, cannot wait, is it late, to be great

Or should I just give up

No I won't fade away, no way

What was and is will never be, so not me

Destroy all that I hate, hold on to my fate

No matter what it always seems to hurt me in the end

The never-ending sadness that I live with

A flavorless insanity I can't evade

I see that it's more than I can chew

But I alone hold on to all the pain I can't erase

So I guess I'll

Dance, dance let the song play

Until my color fades into a pale gray

Won't saturate but

Change into a new hue

Never reawaken, lost in a daze

So then can I

Take away, take away

All of the lies I said, down to the last day

And all that reappears when I look at my own reflection, is not who I thought

That I'd see, it's all that I am

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