Dwin was silent first.

Then asked, dismayed:

"Really? He never told me."

"He owns one-fourteenth of the treasure!"

"Mahal! And I still think about whether to buy the expensive soup meat. But I guess a leopard can't change its spots, I'm afraid", murmured Dwin.

Dís did not answer. During this conversation a thought has crossed her mind that suddenly opened a whole lot of new opportunities. She would have to double-check it but basically her claims were justified.

"Thank you, Dwin! Once again you have saved my day", she laughed and was all of a sudden in an excellent mood. But now Dwin was annoyed.

There was dispute of course.

Basically Thorin had no objection that his nephews' share of the treasure would go to Dís. But when he found out what she intended to do with it he had flatly forbidden it. One word led to another and in no time both faced each other in a furious, ear-splitting confrontation. Balin eventually dragged the princess out of Thorin's office while Dwalin, who was back to work that day and halfway back on his feet, held the king back there.

Balin took Dís home with him. He unlocked the door and called for Dwin.

"Fennel", Balin just said and groaned, when she came running.

"Bandages also?", Dwin asked.

"No. Not this time", Dís said, amused.

A little later they were sitting together with a cup of tea. Dwin was busy with her sewing and Dís watched her silently for a while, breathing deeply.

Balin spoke first:

"I am puzzled why you want to spend money on the hospital in Dale but you certainly have your reasons, as I know you. Give Thorin some time, Dís. He will have to accept it eventually."

"I know he will. But it is urgent and I wanted to get the worst part over with today", Dís said.

Balin shook his head, frowning and said seriously:

"Honestly, Dís. Someday you will go wrong with these intrigues and, Mahal have mercy on us, your passion will get you both killed!"

"Yes, yes, yes", Dís replied indifferent and took another sip of tea.

Then she asked:

"Did you ask around in that other matter?"

"Yes, but the affair is tricky. I can not proceed to obvious, otherwise we are overrun by advances from all over Middle Earth. And if he finds out that you are behind the whole thing we might as well forget about it. Here in Erebor at least there were no possible candidates. And even if we should find a suitable dwarrowdam how do you want to make Thorin court her? He told me quite clearly that he does not want to bind himself", Balin answered sceptically.

"Yes, he told me, too. But we should still be prepared. I hope that he will change his mind when he witnesses Dwalin's bond. Who knows. Actually it should gnaw on his cursed pride that even Dwalin has someone who keeps him warm at night. Oh, and Dwin... This is just between us. Not a word to Dwalin!", Dís ordered.

"Let me please out of that completely next time, will you? I do not like having secrets from Dwalin", Dwin frowned and bit off her thread.

"How is he anyway?", Dís asked.

Dwin looked up in surprise. This was the first time Dís inquired after the warrior since the morning of the prosecution.

"The wounds are healed so far. Oin was content that it was not inflamed much and let him go home. But it still is very painful. He just barely bears the clothes on his skin and sleeping on his back is still impossible too. I wish he would have stayed at home these days but he meant it would distract him to have something to do again", Dwin told her.

Where she is right - The story of Dís, daughter of kings.Where stories live. Discover now