He carried me back to the infirmary bridal style, and put me down in a bed.

"I don't know, he just sort of passed out. Maybe he was too weak." Will said.

"Maybe, but now we can't do too much. If he does wake up-" Someone said before getting cut off by Will.

"He will wake up. Don't say things like that."

The next part of the conversation is confusing. They were speaking Italian, which I completely understood since I could speak fluent in it.

"Lo amo." Will said. I couldn't believe it. He probably just meant it as a friend. He said 'I love him'.

  The thing is, I really don't think Will knew I could speak Italian. If he did, he was positive I was passed out. Which I might of been. I don't know.

"Chiediglielo, allora!" Another doctor said. It meant 'ask him out, then!' He must of been talking about someone else. No one would love me.

They stopped talking Italian.

"Wait, Nico is still. He hasn't talked or moved the whole time. That's not normal, He frequently has nightmares." Will said.

My body was as stiff as a dam wall. I couldn't move, to show I was alive. I was too weak. I tried to open my mouth to speak, but no luck. I tried to make a small hum noise so that they would know I was ok. Too weak.

But I needed to get to Hazel. I couldn't lose another sister.

I opened my mouth, using all of my strength. I couldn't give up though.

I tried to make noises. I did. I hadn't made words yet, but Will had heard and understood some of it.

"Nico, you can't push yourself. You can barely move or speak." Will said.

I made a word.

"Hazel..." I said weakly.

"Hazel?" Will asked.



"Hurt." I made that my last word, I couldn't do anything more. I lied there silent while I heard Will giving commands to the other doctor in the room. He said to go get the 7, and find her. I needed to come, but I was too weak. How did this happen?

Can Children of Hecate make people feel weak? I knew it was nothing with Hypnos because I felt like I just slept for five days

Will smiled. I don't know how I knew with my eyes closed, but I knew.

"Hazel's going to be alright, Nico." Will said, gripping my hand. "I know she is."

With that I woke up. I don't know if you would call it 'waking up', but I felt energy go through me.

Will's Pov:

Nico opened his eyes and realized what I was doing to him. I was giving him a shot of nectar, so that his energy could possibly return. Luckily it did.

"Will," Nico said, taking a pause to make sure he had my attention. "Are they after her?" he asked.

"Yes, Nico. No need to be worried. They'll find her." I assured him.

Oh my gods.

I just came to a realization.

Nico can speak Italian.

Did he hear me? 

It's best to say it now, I guess, to save me from worrying too much. But what if he doesn't like me back? What if he thinks I'm crazy? I didn't get to finish my thought because Nico had cut me off.

"So..." He said.

"Huh?" I said back almost immediately

"You replied soon. Were you waiting for me?" He said, the gave me a smile. It was an actual, genuine, smile. not a smirk. not a small grin. A smile, teeth and all.

"You wish, but did you just smile with teeth?" I asked, trying to tease him.

"Yes, Solace, I did. Why do you care?" He said.

I was just trying to make a joke, not bring up his low self-esteem.

"I care because I want you to be happy. You deserve it." I replied

"Deserve it? No, I'm worthless, I'm not good enough, I'm a loser, and I'm alone. I don't deserve to be happy."

"Alone? Alone?! Nico Di Angelo, You are not alone. You have Percy, Annabeth, Frank, Hazel, Piper, Jason, the Hedge family, your dad, the dead, and you have me. You are not a loser. Why would so many people like to hang out with you if you were a loser? You are not a loser." I said. It was time to say it.

"Nico, You are too good. You are worth too much." I took a breath before I said it. "Nico Di Angelo, I love you. I really do. And I never want you to get hurt. I care about you. I love you."

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