Epilogue - Together

Start from the beginning

"How's the nerves? Any plans to run off and leave me here?" Peter laughed, his blue eyes crinkled a little.

Bea bumped her hip into Peter's. "I only threatened to do that once."

"I distinctly remember a time on the plane. That ride on the shuttle bus. This morning even as you stumbled out of your hotel room in search of your daily coffee fix." Peter arched an eyebrow as he looked at Bea.

Bea huffed a little. "Okay, okay. So I said it a few extra times. This morning doesn't really count though. You were told I'm not a morning person. Whose idea was it to go on the sunrise ride instead of the sunset one?" Bea tugged her coat closer. There was a slight chill in the air.

Peter moved to stand behind Bea, and wrapped his arms around her. He rested his head in the crook of her neck. "Better? I believe someone may have said that we've already seen Turkey at sunset, so we needed to see it at sunrise. Get the 'full experience'. Whoever that was, also may have forgotten to pack their toothbrush."

"I'm horrible at packing. Nicole did warn you." Bea snuggled back against Peter.

"Yes she did warn me about you creative types. Lucky for you I packed an extra one."

Bea angled her head back, and kissed Peter on his jaw. His stubble tickled her nose. "My hero. Rescuing this damsel in distress, one toiletry item at a time."

Peter chuckled.

The two watched the sun start it's daily dance. The roar of the burner filling the balloon, continued in the background. Just a small glimmer of yellow light had begun to crest up and over the uneven landscape.

The two turned as they heard arguing behind them. Bea sighed and shook her head. "Why did we agree to let them come with us? We must be crazy."

"Yes. Completely mad. They would have followed us anyways. Plus Dean did offer to pay for everything. Eh, we can stand to spend a few days with them right?"

Bea looked as Nicole waved her arms about, and Dean gestured wildly. She turned away from them. "I think we should ditch them the first chance we get. Maybe in a nice cave."

Peter's chest shook as he laughed. He squeezed Bea close. "And this is why I love you Beatrice."

"My snarky attitude?"

"That is certainly a bonus. I think it's time to climb in." Peter helped Bea into the large basket. Then he climbed in behind her. He put the bags near their feet.

Bea looked out towards the other couple, then nudged Peter. "I think they've made up...again. Should we tell them it's time to go?"

Peter looked over at Dean and Nicole. The two were wrapped around one another. Peter looked back at Bea and shrugged. "They will need to come up for air eventually."

Bea laughed a little, then jerked as other passengers filled the other empty spots. She grasped on to the closest railing. Her heart raced.

"Come here you. It's not like we haven't done this once before." Peter pulled Bea back to stand in front of him again. He wrapped one arm around her middle. The other hand held one of her hands.

"Key word, 'once'. I know I'll be fine once we are in the air."

Bea jumped back against Peter as the section nearest them shifted. Peter held her tighter. Bea looked behind them. Nicole and Dean had gotten into the basket. Nicole looked at Bea with furrowed brows. Bea barely heard Nicole as she asked if she was okay. Bea just nodded, and turned back.

With Love, from Cappadocia ❤️ Where stories live. Discover now