Chapter 7 Boarding the Malevolence

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Hey. It's me!

I've been lazy and haven't been writing a lot recently...


I've been going through some stuff and, yeah. I'll leave it at that for now.

So, anyway. Last time, we greeted Anakin, Ahsoka, Master Plo, and R2 on the Negotiator. We had some alone time with Ahsoka. Then we flew a fighter to protect the bombers in the strike against the Malevolence.

That should sum it up.

Now, without further adieu, let's get to the story!


Y/n POV...

I am sitting in the hanger of the Negotiator with some of my new clone friends. We are technically supposed to be moving boxes, but we finished quickly so we could sit and talk for a bit.

"Well, what do you think, Spider?"

"I agree with you, sir. It's perfectly reasonable."

"See, Owl," I say pointing at Spider. "I told you so."

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever." Owl chuckles. "Like a Nexu could kill a Rancor."

"A Nexu is extremely fast," I argue. "And a Rancor is relatively slow. So, theoretically, a Nexu could outmaneuver a Rancor and get the jump on it."

"But still, the Rancor is one of the strongest creatures in the known galaxy," Owl says. "It would crush a Nexu the second it has its claws on it."

We hear someone clear their throat. I turn my head see Master Kenobi with his arms crossed and looking at me. "Am I interrupting something?"

"Not much Master." I smile. "Just having one of my favorite discussions."

"And that is?" He raises an eyebrow.

"Which would win in a fight, a Rancor or a Nexu?"

Master Kenobi rolls his eyes and smiles. "Well, if you three are done, I need you on the bridge."

"Yes, Master."

I get up from my box and wave to the troopers before heading to the elevator with Master Kenobi.

"Good to see you have adjusted to your new surroundings well," he says.

"Yeah. I'm really getting a good feel for this place." I reply. "I was a little worried at first, but once I got to know a few of the troopers I felt a little more comfortable."

"That's good to know."

"I think the clones are starting to accept me as, like, one of their own. Like I'm a little brother." I smile.

"Well, physically they are older then you, but they are still technically younger than you."

"I know, but I don't mind it." I nod. "The closest thing to a big brother I've had was Anakin back in the temple."

"I'm sure he's had quite the influence on you," Obi-Wan replies sarcastically.

I chuckle a little as I grin. "Yeah, that he did."

Obi-Wan chuckles with me as the elevator comes to a stop.

"Well, I'm glad you've adjusted," he says with a smile.

I nod and walk out onto the bridge. Anakin, Ahsoka, and Admiral Yularen standing around the holotable. I stand in between Ahsoka and Master Kenobi, taking a glance behind me. I see the Malevolence in a fiery mess as it's trying to escape our guns. If it were up to me, I'd lead another bombing run on it and destroy more of it before it has a chance to get away.

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