Chapter 3 Battle of Teth and Rescue of a Huttlet

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Hey guys! Author here! Back with more Star Wars.

Is anybody else hyped for the new season? I know I am!

Well, quick recap.

You were ordered to Christophsis with Ahsoka Tano to report to Master Kenobi. You helped win the battle along side Anakin and Ahsoka. Yoda then ordered you to the Teth system to save Jabba the Hutt's son.

So, without further adieu, Let's get to it!


On the Acclamator on the way to Teth... Y/n POV

Ahsoka and I are currently surrounded by clone troopers as Ahsoka tells her story of how she saved Anakin and I from the droids that guarded the shield generator. She doesn't leave out a single detail. I smile as I listen to her story and just watch.

I have had some feelings for her ever since we went through padawan classes together. She has a big heart and was kind to others. Plus she never stopped trying. She was always trying to improve and get better. I found myself spacing out as I watched her finish her story.

I then notice all the clones are looking at me.

"Huh? What?" I shake my head a bit. "Sorry, spaced out a bit."

"I asked if it was true sir." One of then says.

"For the most part, yeah." I smile. "Though I think she over exaggerated the part where I needed help. I was holding my own. Even had to save you once."

"Minor detail." Ahsoka messes with one of her Lekku.

"Oh, I'm sure." I smile even more.

Anakin walks over and the troops disperse to get ready for the mission.

"Just givin' the troops some moral master." Ahsoka says with a smile.

"Yep." I add.

"Right," Anakin chuckles a little. "Well, it's time to get into the Gunships. We have arrived."

"Of course Master." Ahsoka bows.

"Right away." I bow as we head for one of the gunships.

Anakin and Ahsoka both are wearing their robes while I decided to wear the shirt and pants I wear under my robe. I stretch as the ship takes off and get ready for the battle ahead.

I look over at Ahsoka and she looks back at me. I nod at her and smile to calm her down. The blast doors open and I see the jungle as we fly past it. I take a breath to calm what few nerves I have and try thinking clearly. I can see a monastery filled with droids. I can sense two actual forms of life there. One is small, no bigger than a football from my world. I sense the other is about my height and has the dark side of the force with them.

I feel the gunship jolts, forcing me to open my eyes and grab onto one of the handles hanging from the top. I look over at Anakin and we hear the pilot over the comms.

"Sir, we are taking some heavy flak fire from that monastery."

"Close the blast doors pilot and get us under those guns." Anakin says.

"Yes sir."

The blast doors close and the clones make one final check of their equipment.

"Welcome to paradise, rock jumpers." I hear the pilot say as we land.

I snicker at that comment and smirk, ready to go. As soon as the doors open, I ignite my lighsaber and charge forward. The mesa that the monastery is atop of looks as if it stretches to the atmosphere. I block blaster bolts back at the droids on the monastery we get under their guns. We take cover in a small ledge that is under a landing pad. I look up at the mesa and smile. I never thought I would see things like this in person.

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