Ch 24 - First Date

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We got Millicas on one date as everyone is around to hear in on conversation and that's it. Who's first? You shall see.



A special table was already set up with a wire to tune in on conversations as Millicas was ready for his first ever date. Which one out of the five was going first? Raven picked. She was excited just as much as you. It was just you, Millicas, and Raven at the moment.

"Hey Daddy he's having everything work out?"

"Yes Rav."

"And there is this gravy train right? Does that mean it's made out of turkey?" Smart but not every child knows these expressions.

"Up." You bring Raven to your lap. "It's going exactly where he wants it. Sometimes it means money coming in. This time it's the plans going where he wants them. Good?" You kiss the back of her head. "Mills you nervous?"

"Yeah man." He replied doing every mirror angle check. They know who I am?

"Your title and what you look like. Nothing else."

"Stay away from the Homewrecker Milli." Said Raven.

"Hey. Rave, your mother would kill me if you start talking like that."

"What's wrong? She's no good. Not nice." Raven got away with it for now.

"So Uncle am I meeting my date?" He asked.

"Oh yes. Go right ahead and sit down in the restaurant. I will have her meet you there."

(Now I don't want Millicas to have Yami since it's too much mystery there. I thought if I go for someone who can level with him first we can see development. You'll see what I mean.)

You go back with Raven to the office right down the street where Rias is sitting with Delaney. This was the first one in act. Dressed to impress too. Black fitted pants and a blue sparkly top. Suited her well.

"Hi-hi." Chimed Raven.

"Wow. This must be your Mommy. You look just the same as her." Smiled Delaney.

"Yay. Thank you." Cheered Raven.

"Hello Delaney. Thank you for coming around. It's right down the street. He's waiting for you. It's just a lunch date. Don't have to be too serious. He's never had a date before. Be yourself and see how it goes. Then come back to us and see what you think."

"Thank you again." She bowed and walked out the door.

"She seems nice." Said Raven.

"I know. Though you never know how these are going to go. I think your cousin is shy but they can work that out. I think Harmony, Yami, and maybe the other two are just too strong. But we did have slim pickings." Raven was ready to listen in. No microphone just a speaker.

"Should be four. Hmph." Pouted Raven.

"Hey. Be nice Miss. Lady." You said to her.

"I'm not a lady. I'm a cutie. Who dances and makes sure people no good stay away." She smiled.

"Meh. Good point. Gravy train it is Rave. Ride the gravy train."

"Mommy? Daddy has me thinking about turkey again. Are we eating too? It's lunch time."

You look at your watch. "Yup. It is. Ri-"

"Kitchen. Got hot sandwiches for us. Let's take the speaker to the kitchen. We'll go from there."


Delaney walked into the restaurant and say the young man with red hair. He smiled and waved over as it was now underway. She was a tad overwhelmed and he was nervous. Maybe the two can make it work with each other.


"Hey. I'm Millicas. It's nice to meet you." He extended his hand.

"Thanks." She shook his hand and felt the goosebumps. Wow. He's strong. I can feel it. "So- Uh, Well do you want to know?"

"Maybe your name first?" He asked.

"Sorry." She flinched. "I'm Delaney."

"Very nice. You seem sweet. And honestly you nervous like me." He actually admitted. Not many would.

"Aren't you dating more?" She asked.

"Well honestly, this is my first date. You know what I mean?"

"Wow really? I'm surprised. A cute boy that's the son? Didn't see that coming at all. But you know the one's that picked me and the others?"

"My Aunt who's blood related and my Uncle who is the man. In total it's five."

"Wow. Didn't think it would be that low. I mean when I got there girls in line didn't even have on panties. It was ridiculous. I mean if you're dating somebody act like a lady. And both of them seemed really nice."

"They are. Question. What the heck did they ask you?"

"If I've dated, school, work, and a little about me. Which I assume you want me to relay?"

"I'm sure you've dated. You are beautiful after all."

"Thank you. You're just so kind." Delaney blushed. "I'm going to be a senior. My last relationship I caught him cheating. So naturally I broke up with him. Later that week I tweaked my knee while playing soccer. I wasn't allowed to do much. In doing so I read more, did some cooking recipes, and overall bettering myself. Though I would be lying if I said I didn't get nervous around guys."

"Awww. Terrible. You don't deserve it."

"Thank you. It's nice talking to a boy who's- what's the word? Proper. I mean you have looked at me sincerely and you're not looking at my chest. I really like that."

"Well Delaney I do what I can. So question is if we had an actual date where would you go?" Now if this is a dating sim it's cliches such as coffee house, shopping, movies, or dinner. Though who knew what she was emotionally ready for.

"Would a casual lunch be okay? Just over some coffee and such? Talk about each other a bit more?"

"Yeah. Think we could both use it. You want to take it slow?"

"Is that okay Millicas? We just met. Is there a lot of pressure?" Her face spelled fear.

"Not at all. On you."

"Phew. That's a relief."

Back at the office you and the girls. Thought it would hit off better but it's progress. Millicas actually got to sit down and take to a girl. No help or anything. Though it seems that Delaney ended early both were not ready. Will both learn from this and move on or will this lower the confidence of both of them?


Now I had personality and roles for these five girls for a good solid few months. These are just how they are. Delaney will get another shot mind you but this seemed awkward on both sides. She needs to open up and Millicas could be a bit more confident.

As always I hope all enjoyed, vote for more, comment freely, and as always have an awesome day because you guys are the best and make this happen. Any questions or concerns are welcome. Love you all.


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