Ch 16 - Kid's Gotta Cold

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Hey everyone. I know for some it's been a while. This I think is the hardest story at the moment for me to write because of all the elements. I'm still recovering from a bad poison ivy case and have car troubles so I've been working last night and this morning to take notes and bring this story to my full attention for a chapter and direction to kick my ass into gear. I'm heading back to find the other ladies that are lining up to meet Millicas.

Surely I'm sure many are curious about stories, ideas, etc so any time remember everyone, I am always here. Truthfully. Now without further ado let's get it.



Tea was prepared as you took the first sip and looked over at Rias. "I know I don't have to tell you this because you know already, but once again my beautiful wife this tea is amazing."

"Thank you Hubby. So you ready to head to the office today and hope we have better luck?"

You sigh. "We have two on our list and interviewed 50. 50! For the the love of the underworld mon this is crazy."

"Did you really try to do a Jamaican saying?" She shook her head with a smirk.

"I'm losing control of my life having to dig through the dating pool for Mills. I have right and entitlement don't I now?"

"Pound like an anvil..."

"Whatever broad corrupts my daughter I want you to cut that bitch's vocal cords out."

She nodded. "Agreed. Speaking of which where is our little girl. She never sleeps in. Always waking us up or climbing in our bed to sleep. You know, something."

You put your cup down. "Shall I?"


You get up from the couch and walk over to Raven's room. The lights are out and you see a little shaking. "Rave?" You whisper.

"Choo!" Said a small squeak.

"Raven Honey you feeling okay?"

"I'm cold Daddy. I don't want to move."

"Awwww. Sorry daughter of mine. Well I know you were excited to meet more of the ladies but I want you to get better. Now who's around today?" You had to think who could babysit before you got back. Kiba and Tsubaki most likely had plans since they always did their own thing. Issei with sick children while managing his own? Maybe not the best of ideas. "Stay right there. I'll see who is around Raven. I'll grab you some juice and be back in a few minutes."

"Oranges. Yay..." She said in a monotone voice.

"Lay tight." You walk out of her room and Rias just by instinct of being a mother already knows that something isn't normal. Not going into helicopter but knows this is off. "She..."

"What's going on with my baby?" She asked.

"A little cold."

"But she was supposed to go to the office with us. I don't know who's around today."

"Rias I'm taking care of that and grabbing some juice. And guess where today starts off? The kitchen. Because all of these women in the house love the dream designer kitchen it has. I'll be right back. I will set up arrangements and get everything done. Worst case I will stay behind and make sure she is well."

"Any fever. Didn't check. One thing at a time now. Calm down."

Uh-oh. Bad idea. You knew exactly where that was going. And if you didn't then you are past dense or clearly just not thinking right.  She gripped your wrist and glared deep into your soul. "I'm sorry come again? My baby is sick and you just want me to just stand here while my little girl isn't feeling well?"

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