Anxiety Quotes 2

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  "Your mind is your prison when you focus on your fear."


"My anxiety is silent. You wouldn't even notice a change on the outside but I'm honestly so stressed I can't even manage simple tasks. People call me lazy when, in reality, I'm just overwhelmed." 


"I get nervous about everything. Sometimes I literally don't know why I'm anxious. I just am and no-one seems to understand that."


"Our anxiety does not come from thinking about the future, but from wanting to control it."


 "Anxiety is terrible, you could be having an attack and no one would even know, because it's an inward thing. It feels like you're malfunctioning and you can't process your own thoughts. You get a knot in your stomach and you can't take a full breath, but outwardly you can literally just sit there and look completely normal, as long as no one tries to speak to you."


"Anxiety is a thin stream of fear trickling through the mind. If encouraged, it cuts a channel into which all other thoughts are drained." 


"There's just so much going on in my mind, sometimes I can't keep up with what's going on around me."


"Anxiety makes you sit there and overthink every single thing. At times it makes you think people in your life are leaving you. You begin to feel abandoned, and not worth anything because the most important people in your life don't want you." 


"The fact that many people don't recognize or have patience for your illness only makes everything worse."  


"The thing about an anxiety disorder is that you know it is stupid. You know with all your heart that it wasn't a big deal and that it should roll off of you. But that is where the disorder kicks in. Suddenly the small things is very big and it keeps growing in your head, flooding your chest, and trying to escape from under your skin. You know with all of your heart that you're being ridiculous and you hate every minute of it." 


"Anxiety has nothing to do with courage or character. Nothing at all."


"Anxiety is having to remind myself that being afraid of things going wrong isn't the way to make things go right."


"Even the simplest task can be overwhelming at time."


"I realized today that I have stopped living life. I am literally just trying to get to the next day, just living in the thought of tomorrow. I am not living, I am waiting. And the trouble is, I don't know what I am exactly waiting for. I am kind of scared for what it might be."


"I say "sorry" a lot, mostly because I feel everything is my fault." 


"Anxiety is the most silently painful experience. It makes no sense and you sit alone and suffer for an unknown reason. You can't explain it. You can't stop it, It is horrible."


"I've only just realized how utterly exhausted and drained I am after living in a near constant state of fight or flight for so long."


"I'm terrified that even if I try my hardest, I still won't be good enough."


" Too many of us are not living our dreams because we are living our fears." 


"You are strong for getting out of bed in the morning when it feels like hell. You are brave for doing things even though they scare you or make you anxious. And you are amazing for trying and holding on no matter how hard life gets." 


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