Anorexia Quote's 1

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I don't care if it hurts

I want to feel in control

I want a perfect body

I want a perfect soul


When you feel like giving up 
on recovery
Remember why
You've held on for so long


All that's left will be your bones

No flesh no warmth nothing to love

And still, all those dreaded souls will say

"Just not thin enough"


And her grades dropped
From a ninety-eight to a ninety-two

And she stopped eating
From three helpings to just one

And stopped sleeping 
From ten hours to only six

And these changes were subtle
But still, they were there

And she slowly fell apart
Piece by tiny piece

And her grades plummeted
She's failing now

And she stopped eating
She hasn't had a bite

And she stopped sleeping
She was lucky to get an hour

And these changes seemed sudden
But they were there all along

And she fell apart a while ago
And no one could put here back together


It is cold so cold

Walking over to the scale

But it's worth it

When you stand

Seeing the number dropping

Yet again it is a sense of pride

And even relief until

You see your reflection in the mirror

Haunting you on the way back to bed

And you quietly decide

That it is not yet enough

Numbers that have dropped

How I wish I could tell you

That from now on

It will never

Be enough


-all from google

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