Beginning of the end part: 2

Start from the beginning

"Ok, so I think I have a way out of this mess, but don't overreact when I tell you what it is, ok?" I said to him. "Ok?"He said quizzically. "So where I'm from, if a person from a different planet likes someone from my planet, and they get married, they can either live on my home world, or prevent one planet from being conquered or destroyed or whatever. So, I think that-" I didn't even get to finish explaining my plan when a bag was thrown over my head and I was thrown into some vehicle. I could hear lots of people start arguing around me, one of them being the boy that I was talking to. "WHAT DO YOU THINK THAT YOU ARE DOING TALKING TO HER ECHO!?!?" shouted one voice. "So thats what his name is." I said to Scarfy. "Really? So you're telling me that this whole time, you didn't know the name of  the person you were talking to?" She asked. "No?" I said. "JEEZ ION, this is why you shouldn't go anywhere without me." She said. "I don't need a babysitter Scarfy, and you would probably scare everyone here." I said in an annoyed tone. "SHHHHH!!! Im trying to hear what they're saying!!!" She said. "Let me get this straight, so what you're saying is, you DIDN'T know who this girl is?" Said another voice. "No? Is that a bad thing or a good thing?" The boy, Echo asked. "OH MY GOODNESS!!!" Said both voices, accompanied with the sounds of face palming. "Its not like she was doing anything to me, and she doesn't really look dangerous, and she seemed pretty nice, so we should probably take that bag.....WAIT!!!!! Which one of you put a bag on her head? WHY ARE YOU GUYS TRYING TO KIDNAP HER!!!!" Said Echo. I could hear footsteps coming towards me and I tensed, expecting to get thrown around again. Instead, someone leaned me against something and gently took the hood off my head. "Im sorry about my friends, I think they might have been overreacting just a little bit." Said Echo as he glared at the people standing behind him. "ANYWAY!! This is Cody and Autumn:


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Autumn (She kinda just showed up recently from space, and by "showed up" i mean she followed Echo XD)

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Autumn (She kinda just showed up recently from space, and by "showed up" i mean she followed Echo XD)


(Same POV btw)

After I got introduced to Cody and Autumn, we got back to what I was trying to explain to Echo earlier. "So, what I was saying is that if you married me, we could possibly stop my dad from destroying your home." I said to them. "That sounds like it could work, but theres kinda a problem with that." Said Echo. "Whats the problem?" I asked. "Well, besides the fact that I'm 15 and its probably illegal for me to get married, I was kinda in the middle of doing something else." He said. "What were you doing? Maybe I can help" I said cheerfully. "I was trying to get my friends back from a demented psychopath, and Im probably not coming back from that, so, you might have to come up with a new plan." He said with a hint of sadness. "But maybe Cody Autumn and I could-" I started. "NO!!!! can't come with me. James said that I have to come alone, and you can't trick him, he's probably watching me right now, and I have to go, so good luck you guys." He said in a quiet voice looking at the ground. We all stood there, silently knowing that this was probably the last time that we were going to see Echo alive again. We exchanged hugs and Echo started to leave when I grabbed him. "Wait, before you go, I just wanted to tell you my name, since I never told you mine, it just seems fair." I said, trying to hold back tears. Echo looked into my eyes and tried to smile. "You're not wrong" He said. "Its Ion. And Im really happy I got to meet you for the second time. The first time was a while ago. You probably remember right? In space?" I joked. "Wow, I should have known" Echo said with a smile. Not thinking, I pulled him in and kissed him. "You better not forget me." I said when I pulled away. "Because if you do, I will never forgive you for it." He looked at me. "Thats a promise." He said. Then he disappeared, leaving all three of us, standing on the sidewalk, silent and crying. And me, with a hole in my chest where Echo used to be. 

   A/N: So!!!!!! Finally finished this chapter after who knows how long!!!!! I kinda made it longer than the other chapters because I kiiiiinda felt bad for leaving u mates hangin for so long. hope you enjoyed it and there is probably going to be 1-2 more chapters before I start the next part of the story. You mates can tell me if u want me to put your OC's in the next one if you tell me. CATCH U MATES LATER!!!!!

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