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Sky POV-

I was laying on Echo-kun, when a strange girl with blond hair and white wings walked in the room. I recognized Marcus though, since I had met him earlier. But when Echo-kun saw the strange girl, I felt him stiffen up. (Not like that u sus people. This is why I hate 2018. I literally can't speak because someone is gonna say, "HEY!!! THATS PRETTY SUSPECT." Now continue) I rolled over so that was looking at him. "What's wrong Echo-kun?" I asked. He looked down at me and said, "Nothing Sky, its just that...I know her from a long time ago." He said. "We used to be friends." I turned over to look at the new girl. She had started walking over to where she was sitting with Echo, and I was confused why. Moon noticed and turned around to see what was happening, but she made no attempt to moove, until she knew what was going to happen. When the new girl was standing directly over me and my senpai,  she said "So, Echo, is there a reason why you have all these people at your house?" "I doubt that its even yours. It's probably your parents, and you are just acting like its yours." I felt senpai tense up again. I also noticed that the room had gotten silent, and that everybody was looking at what was going on over here. "Good to see you too Nova." He said, with a calm voice which seemed to make this girl even more upset. "Dont "good to see you too" me Echo!!" She shouted. "Why are all these girls in your house?" She asked. "Wait, nevermind, you probably payed them to be here just so you could feel like you are popular, when really, none of these people like you." All the things that Nova were saying were starting to make me angry. "Nobody talks to senpai like that!!!!" I shouted in my head. "I don't know why you are soo mad at me." Said senpai, still calm, despite this girl shouting at him. "I'm mad because.....because...." Started Nova, but I could tell that she was struggling on the inside trying to say her feelings. "Because..." stammered Nova, still scared about how she was going to say what she wanted to say. "Just say it already, jeez." Said big sis, impatient because this girl had come into senpai's room shouting at him. "Fine" Nova said. "I'm mad because, I still love you...and I didn't really want to break up with you, but I had to because these guys were going to kill me and my family if I didn't." She said finally. "I'm sorry if I hurt you when I did it, I didn't mean to." ANd with that, she left the room.

3rd person POV (or whatever you call it when its me saying it. You act like I pay attention XD)

Everyone just sat in the room, silent and motionless as they tried to comprehend what had just happened. Then all eyes turned to Echo. "Well? What are you going to do about that?" Asked Moon. "Huh? What are you talking about?" Replied Echo. "Oh my goodness." Sighed Amber. "If a girl just confesses that she still has feelings towards you, you are supposed to go and talk to her." Said Chaos. "But... she is standing right outside my door..." Said Echo, confused on what was going on, since Sky was purring on his lap, something  that he had never seen her do before. "HOW DID YOU KNOW!?!?!" Shouted Nova, confused on how he knew that she was standing outside his room.  "Ummm... I actually didn't, I kinda just guessed." Said Echo sheepishly. Everybody turned towards him. "Are you serious?" Said Cody, bamboozled. "You've got to joking, right?" Said Moon. "Unbelievable." Stammered Nova, who had walked back into the room, and was blushing.  "Well besides that obvious show of life hacks, do you wanna...get back together or something?" Asked Nova. "I don't know," said Echo. "I don't really know if I like anybody right now, and I'm pretty sure that any other guy would call me crazy for it, since I am in a room pretty much filled with the cutest and most popular girls in the school." "BUT I THOUGHT WE WERE DATING!!!" Shouted Aqua, who while blushing, was trying to hide the huge grin that was beginning to appear on her face. "WOAH WAIT A SECOND!!" Shouted Echo. "I clearly would remember if I was dating somebody, and we never agreed that we were." He said flatly. "But what about that time when i kissed you? Dosent that mean that me are dating?" Asked Aqua. Nova just stood there, feeling completely detached from Echo's life. They used to be really close. They would always hang out after school, so much that other people had started to ship them. It was only on her 8th birthday that she had asked him out, in front of the whole class, AND her parents in the room with her. After she had asked, she had gotten really scared and nervous, because she had kind of put him on the spot, which would make it seem like he had to say yes. And to make it worse, she didn't even know how he felt about her, which terrified her. "What if he says no?" She thought to herself. "What will I do then?" But right before she started to cry, he had said yes. She had felt like her heart was about to leap out of her chest because of how happy she was. But like they always say; good things don't always last. The next day, she had gotten a letter from her ex, saying: "We have taken you family hostage. If you don't break up with Echo, we will kill them. I know that you believe me Nova. You have seen me kill before, and I will kill again. You have until the end of school to do it. And don't even think about trying to trick me. I have people watching you, and they tell me everything. Don't disappoint me." As Nova thought about how their friendship had started, and how it had ended, she said "Um Echo? I have to go now. Ill see you tomorrow, ok?" "Yea, sure. You can come by anytime." He said. "I'll probably be here, with Sky and Moon. So it'll be ok if you come over." "Thanks" she said. But she knew deep down, that she wasn't going to see him tomorrow. Or the day after that. Or ever again. Because a shadow from the past was still haunting her. And she already knew what would happen again if she didn't do what she had to. 

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