Light in the darkness

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(Echo's POV) Somebody is crying and people are arguing. I can hear a faint beeping noise, but I cant't tell where it is coming from. Everything feels numb. Where am I? What's going on? All I remember, was having that weird dream, and then nothing. My vision is fading out again. How many times is this going to happen? Help me. Somebody. Anybody. Free me from my prison.

"What happened to Echo!?!?!" Shouted Aqua. "What's going on!?!?! Why won't anyone give me a straight answer!?!?!" Moon is trying to comfort Sky, because she thinks that this is her fault. "Nobody knows what happened Aqua, so calm down!!!!" Argued Ruby. "All of you guys need to calm down." Said Glacier, trying to keep everybody calm. "You are all acting like it's Sky's fault." "Exactly" Said Cody. "Even the doctors don't know what happened, and they are doctors." "Sky, can you try to remember what happened and where you found Echo?" Asked Amber. "Ill try." Said Sky, trying to keep her tears from running down her face. "Ok, so when we went to sleep, I was laying next to Echo-kun, because I didn't want him to be alone." Started Sky. " And while I was asleep, I could kind of hear some noise in the room, but I thought that it was just Echo-kun moving in his sleep. I should have known better though. I could have stopped all of this from happening." "This isn't your fault sis." Said Moon. "Nobody could have expected any of this to happen." "Yeah, this was completely random." Said Aqua, trying to help calm down Sky. "And if we had known that this would happen we-" Before she finished her scentence, Echo had opened his eyes and said his first words since Christmas. "Why is everyone have such a serious expression on their face?" He said. "It's not like someone died. Right?"

Everyone was speechless. Echo had finally woken up, but had no idea about what had just happened. The first person to react was Sky. She stood up and went to stand right next to Echo. "I am so sorry for all of this!!! I didn't want any of this to happen to you!!!" She cried, tears running down her face. "Hey, its ok. You didn't do anything." Echo replied. "After all, its still Christmas, right?" Amber stared at him. "Echo, not to startle you...but Christmas, was 2 days ago. We just found you. You were missing." Echo just sat there, trying to process all of this information. "Well, we can still hang out right?" He asked and tried to get up. "Um....why can't I feel my right arm?" "Senpai, you don't have your right arm anymore." Said Moon. "They had to cut it off to keep you alive. We had to do it, we couldn't let you just die." "But at least you get to live another day right??" Said Amber, trying to cheer him up. "Yeah..." he said, as he stared at where his arm used to be. "It's not that bad though bud, we didn't wan't you to die." Said Cody. Right before Echo could respond, a police officer walked into the room. "Ok, so I have some good news and some bad news." 

"By the way, I'm glad to see that you are awake Echo, you had all of these people worried sick!!" He said jokingly. "The good news is that we know who did this to you, Echo. But the bad that we don't exactly know where they are hiding." He said.  "What are we gonna do then!?!?! Just wait until they do this again, to soemone else!?!?" Shouted Sky, who was angered at this statement, because it made her feel like again, she could have stopped this. "Sky, we just have to wait and see." Said Echo, as he reached over to take her hand. "Even if they try to do this again, at least we will know what they are trying" said Glacier. "And we will make sure that they won't hurt Echo ever again." Said Ruby. Echo thought to himself, "These guys really are my friends, because they wouldn't thy to help me if they were faking it." This made him smile. A nurse walked in and told the group that Echo needed some rest and that they should go. They had tried to stay, but Echo had convinced them to go, since the party was the next day, and they needed to make sure that they had everything ready. The only person that he couldn't persuade to leave was Sky and Aqua. They said that they wouldn't leave him alone ever again, so the nurse let them stay. The last thing that Echo remembered was both Sky and Aqua hugging him, and saying goodnight, even though Echo had no Idea what time it actually was. But he let it slide. He was to tired to be bothered anyway. But before his eyes closed, he noticed a shadowy figure in the corner of the room, staring directly at him. Echo tried to get up, but had no energy to do so, and just let himself succumb to sleep.

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