Down in the Deep

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Down in the deep,
I tried to swim,
Water surrounded me,
Pulling me in.

I tried to fight it,
Tried to hang on,
Swim to the surface,
And see the sun.

But my legs were too tired,
And my arms too weak,
My lungs cried out,
As bubbles leaked.

My mind needed rest,
The ocean needed taming,
But I wasn't at my best,
And who I once was had long since left.

I had tried to survive,
Only at the surface,
Treading water,
Trying to gain purchase.

But grief swells,
And oceans rise,
When I said I could swim,
I was telling myself lies.

Down in the deep,
A siren called,
I knew the voice,
I tried to stall.

Sadness overcame me,
Filled my lungs,
And it didn't take long,
For me to hear the songs.

I once was a girl,
A happy little flower,
Before being ruined,
People being the destructive power.

It is my fault,
One left before his time,
And my fault,
Another lost more than life.

Brothers and Sisters,
I held on for them,
But there is only so long,
A non swimmer can swim.

I began to sink,
No more fight left in me,
Of all the ways to leave,
Who would have thought it would be the sea?

Down in the deep,
I sank further,
The siren watched,
A curious observer.

Down in the deep,

Here I will find everlasting sleep.

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