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So, as I've mentioned somewhere, probably a tag, I live on a farm. We have four horses, two dogs, three to five cats, and an ever fluctuating number of goldfish that work for a living (They eat mosquito larva in the water troughs. If they live to a good size, they retire to my grandparent's fish pond).

Long story short with the number of cats is that we actually own two, one is called Marmalade (Full name: One-Eyed Jack Marmalade Adventure Cat. One of his eyes is bad, so only one works like a Jack on a deck of cards, Marmalade because his coat is orange, and he used to follow my dad around in the dark while he feed the horses all the time for fun) and the other is called Spot because she is white and grey and I was somehow very unimaginative when I named her (And I accidentally made a Star Trek reference in the process). Probably around the same time I was naming cars based on characteristics (That's a story on its own). Another is named Bandit because he is nearly all white, but has a black band abound his eyes and black paws (My sister named him, I think). He isn't officially ours, but he might as well be. Same goes for a grey tabby we named Tiger who is around sometimes, and a still unnamed cat that sometimes hangs around even less than Tiger who looks nearly identical to Tiger (The difference is the socks on their feet).

Anyway, this happened because there used to be a cat lady who lived next door, and when she passed, her cats split to go on either side of her property, my house or a groomer's on the other side. Before that, they where producing like crazy and my mom would catch them and spay or neuter them for free (She's a veterinarian, part of the reason we own Marmalade, no one wanted a one-eyed cat so we took him in) to keep the population down.

My point?

I needed an intro. My mom owns a veterinary practice and hates giving anything pills, and to practically quote her, "I hate giving pills to cats with a passion." There is a reason for this as a worksheet on a bulletin board at her practice revels about giving cats pills. It is quite hilarious (Assuming you've never had to do it before, in which case, how accurate is the thing?).

 It is quite hilarious (Assuming you've never had to do it before, in which case, how accurate is the thing?)

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