The Truth of Life

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"Saturn" by Sleeping At Last. It's a beautiful song, but I can't help but feel sad when I pay attention to the lyrics.

Watch them.

At first, I was listening to it and connecting it to one of my stories, A Long Time Ago, In a Galaxy Far Away, with Luna while I was trying to go to sleep (Not a smart move, I can't go to sleep when I think of ideas for my stories), but while I continued to think about the lyrics, I started thinking about reality. 

I lost one of my grandmothers in March. She was put in hospice for a few weeks before she passed. I don't really think I have truly allowed myself to really think about it.

That said, this song had me sobbing because I was thinking about it.

It is truly rare and beautiful it is that any of us exist, that life actually exists.

"With shortness of breath, you explained the infinite...."

Those close to death are the ones that can sometimes truly grasp the gift of life

"I tried to write it down, but I could never find a pen...."

But those around them that listen to what they are saying, can never fully grasp what they are saying

"With shortness of breath, I'll explain the infinite...."

Not until they are there aswell

The universe was created to be seen by us. Life is too short to waste.

The true courage needed to live is that of what isn't afraid of death, knowing that what you do every day has an effect. Everything you do effects those around you.

"You taught me the courage of stars, before you left. How light carries on endlessly, even after death."

Everyone matters. Everything you do matters, because in the end, memories are the one things that can be carried on endlessly, and the ripples from what happened in them can change the world.

RandomOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora