Another Random Dream

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So, for those of you that have read Galaxy, this dream has to do with that. Ish.

Really it's because Luna is with Anakin, Obi-Wan, and Padmé, but they don't go to Besbin and Luna isn't hurt.

Instead, they go to an alternate universe's Earth where there is this weird apocalyptic thing happening. Once again, after I woke up, I added on to it.

So they arrive and then these weird zombie like things attack them, but they aren't exactly zombies. There are different kinds, but there are these crazy rage ones that are angry and always trying to kill people, overly happy ones that think everything is funny and a dance of death for everyone but themselves, and ones that get really angry when people break rules and proceed to kill the rule breakers in the most painful way possible. They all seem sorta super human because they are strong and fast and have no problem with eating people. They way you're "infected" is by accidentally looking at this black spot in the sky.

So they get there, and run into a group of rage ones and, like any normal human, they all run. Luckily for them, they run towards a house that had a few survivors living in it and saw their predicament. The guys inside helped them escape the rage zombies.

Once inside, they meet the three guys that helped them: Luke, Biggs, and Wedge. Luna is, of course, the only one that recognized them as Luke Skywalker, Biggs Darklighter, and Wedge Antilles and thanked the Force that last names weren't given. She then introduced Anakin as James, Padmé as Natalie, Obi-Wan as Ben, and herself as Luna. The fact the youngest of the group introduced everyone earned surprised looks from the three boys and the fact she changed everyone else's name's besides her own earned her surprised looks from the other three. Thankfully, they where in the basement and the lights weren't the best, so not everyone noticed.

Anakin also got infected at some point in time, but it's slow and he's fighting it to the best of his ability for Padmé. During this, Luke also finds this weird sound that he thinks can cure the virus, and Luna explains to Anakin, Obi-Wan, and Padmé that they are in some weird fan-fiction like universe and that it was the weirdest version of "what if Star Wars was on Earth" she had ever seen.

Luke tells everyone he thinks he found the cure. Anakin somehow mind-links those infected outside and informs them. The zombies double their efforts of trying to get into the house so they can destroy the cure. Everyone but Anakin freaks out. Anakin tries to calm down Padmé by telling her that she would be safe, and that just served to freak everyone else out more.

Thankfully, before the zombies make it into the basement, a hidden panel in the floor is lifted, and Leia comes to the rescue to the surprise of literally everyone. Apparently she had been with this universe's Anakin and Padmé on a military base when the apocalypse began while Luke was at home. Neither twin had heard from the other since and had previously believed the worse but hoped for the best. The tunnel she used to get into the basement lead to their universe's Obi-Wan's house and was there for emergencies, something that none of them had known before.

Leia leads everyone through the tunnel as Luke grills her with questions of what happened. Leia explained that their father, a general in the military, had been infected but had managed to continue working in the military with their mother grounding him, but during an attack from the zombies, she had been killed. Leia had tried to talk sense into their father when it happened, but he threw her into a wall and knocked her out. When she woke up, all the guards and zombies around her were dead and their father was nowhere in sight. Luke asked how she had found the tunnel and she responds vaguely by saying she had a hunch. They make it to Obi-Wan's house and then manage to make it onto this short scratched and dented tank-train like thing that Leia informs them is called the Falcon. The roof is at least a story high and has a lip around it about a yard high, needless to say, getting on in a hurry was interesting.

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