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As Maxwell thought during the silence that settled between him and Rayne, a question emerged from the furthest corner of his mind.
"Do you believe that everything is planned out for us? That we are just pieces to a puzzle?" Maxwell's voice was raspy as he tried to keep it from echoing. His eyes did not break contact with Rayne's, nor did he want to stop looking into her eyes. He felt like if he kept looking into the icy blue irises, he'd come out the other side.
The other side of what? Her soul?  Maxwell actually laughed aloud, and attracted some unwanted attention from various bystanders. Ignoring everything around them, Rayne answered with her eyebrows furrowed.
"Like fate?"
Maxwell's grin turned quickly into a frown, but he swiftly covered it with a small cough. He was never a big fan of the word "fate". The word never seemed to fit it's meaning.  But regardless, it was what he was trying to say.
"I suppose," he grumbled, "but what if you could change it, change your lifestyle, start again? Would you?" Maxwell's voice held no humour, no light-heartedness, and was fierce, in a way Rayne had not encountered before, especially not from Maxwell. He was serious, and she knew it. And so, she gave him the best answer she could, after thinking for a couple of moments.
"I don't know, Maxwell. That raises a lot of questions, and not all of them I have answers to."
Maxwell sighed a deep sigh, and his face was downcast as he swept a lock of dark hair from his eyes.
"Let me show you..."

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